Where were you all this time?

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"Ah, I'm so nervous."

I walked up the staircase to the rooftop. I opened up the door. Is the temperature dropping? It feels a little chilly.

I walked to the front from the door. I looked around, there were no one.

"Karmaaaaaa~" I dragged his name.


"Psst Psst"

That sound is seriously getting on my nerves.


I turned around. There wasn't anyone.

I walked to my left. There's that wall,it was the time where I see the guys for the first time with a bad impression. I walked towards it. As soon as I was about to go behind it. Someone covered my mouth from behind, at the same time, he was holding my tummy (I don't know what to call it. I know it sounds weird...but just go with it.) so I won't go away. He's preventing me from shouting as I tried to kick him from behind. I wasn't able to use my hands as he hold it tightly. He's so strong. I wanted to spit saliva on his palm. However, I didn't have so much space to do so.

As I was about to use my full strength, he suddenly let go of me. I almost fell to the floor. I immediately looked back.

"k...KARMA?!" I shouted.

"Oh hey" he smirked.

"HEY, I COULD HAVE DIED!" I shouted at him again. I was mad yet afraid.

Then, I noticed him holding his knife.

"...what are you doing with that knife...are you trying to kill me...?" Frightening thoughts race through my mind.

He walked towards me with that knife. I took a step back.


He continues moving.
I shouted quite a few times. He doesn't seem to listen. Is this how his Dad used to kill? Oh no, we're in the roof...I could...-it was dead end. No more directions to go. He walked and walked with his psycho look. He looked at me as if I'm the one who killed his family. I closed my eyes in fear. I could feel it. He was just in front of me. And suddenly he burst into laughter.


"..huh...what?" I opened my eyes. I was confused.

"Oh gosh, just look at your face. Geez. I'm sorry." He still have a bit of laughter in his talking.

"...KARMA!!!!!!!!" I punched his chest couple of time.

"Okay okay I'm sorry." He stopped laughing and giggling.

I looked down because I was embarrassed and scared. How could he do this. Suddenly he hugged me. My face was buried on his chest. My cheeks are getting redder.

"What are you doing...?" I asked him.

"I know that you know 'bout my past. And I know that you wanted to talk to me about it...and perhaps try to make me happy. Am I right?"

I nodded.

"Well you don't have to. Being able to have you here with me, being able to feel you, being able to see you being cute. It makes me happy."

"you're.. scary though..and..really mean at times...I didn't know you could be this sweet..." I said softly.

"...not all people can see the sweet side of me, Tsu."

I could tell that he's smiling.

"Is this a confession?" I asked while putting my head up.


"Well, I have something to confess too." I blushed.

"Let's say it together" Karma smirked.


"1...2...3-" karma counted

"I love you"

"I love you"

We both laugh. I can't help but grin from ear to ear. And then we heard claps.
We turned around to see who is that-
It was Minho,Sabrina,Taehyung and Syahindah.

"Well done!" Taehyung tap Karma's shoulder.

Karma blushed. Gosh, he looks so cute!

"And well done to you too!" Taehyung smiled at me.

"Let's celebrate." Minho suggested.

"What no. There's no need to!" I shouted.

"I know right, there's no need to. Now let's go buy some meal!" Syah added.

"Aww." Minho pout.

"It's okay" Sab pinched his cheek.

-Time Skip-

Basically everything went fine. Even our grades went up because of them! Really glad though. We managed to get into Class B. That's good enough. The fan girls were all jealous. They even asked us about the guys secret. We told them. "What secret?" . We winked at them and then walk away. We might now become the bitches, but seriously, we just dislike them. Oh talking about that. That bitch went to Class F. How poor thing. The boys thank us for having the "Gang". That's because now they could get closer to the girls who are originally fans of The "Gang" . The Principal ended up disbanding the club as there was no used. Some guys managed to confess their love to the girls who used to be in the club. Surprisingly they got accepted. Congrats to them! Well how about us?
It's been a great year. Like really. We're going to graduate really soon. And that's the end of my UNEXPECTED LOVE STORY.

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