We Meet Again

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"Oh my god Syahindah where are you!? I'm scared you bitch!" I cuss and cuss

"Sabrina you traitor!" Urgh I'm so mad! With Syahindah and Sabrina not by my side, I'm so lost!

I started shouting for their name.

"Yo calm down there." A guy who suddenly appear.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

And suddenly it struck to me that he was the guy on the rooftop.

"I'm Karma Akabane,you can call me Karma and I guessed we should run because-look behind you!"

When I turned around the animal or creature, I don't know was right behind me. I fall to the ground shocked.

Karma grabbed my hand and both of us run.

"What is that thing!?"

"It's the grievers! Hurry up! Fasten your pace!"

I tried my best to run. And honestly I'm already running low of energy. So my steps was slower.

"Oh my god! You have to run, it's catching up with us!" Karma shouted.

"How the hell do you expect me to run?! I'm too tired!" I shouted back

"Goddammit! Then I guess I have to do this way." He said and then carry me on his shoulder

"Oh god you are so heavy!" He complained

"Who asked you to carry me. Put me down, we lost it already." I said relief.


"TSURINA!" Suddenly a girl shout.


"What are you guys? Lesbian?" Karma said

"Woah, what the hell? I'm straight dude, just like my hair." Syahindah said with her sassy style

"How did you end up here?" I asked

"Well, Taehyung said, the Maze is changing." Syahindah said

"Taehyung?" I asked

"Yah, there, that guy with the pole. NOT POLE DANCE THINGI OR WHATEVER YOU THINK IT IS" Syahindah pointed

"Ah, I see you already know him." I smirked

"Heh, says the one with the 'Rooftop Boy'." Syahindah teased back

"Alright guys we have to stick with each other. Since the Maze is changing." Taehyung said.

"Ouh, the expert is talking." Karma teased him

"Shut up. We have to find Minho now." Taehyung added

Syahindah and I managed to nod only

"Uh, we have to find our friend too?" I said

"Who?" Karma asked


We walked in around the maze.

"Urgh, oh my god, I'm so hungry." Syah whined

"Syah, you're not the only one, I'm hungry too." I replied to her

Karma and Taehyung both handed us a bread

"Huh? How? Wait? How did you even have a bread." I asked

"You are supposed to be empty handed, even food is not allowed." Syah added

"Eat it, or suffer." Karma said

"Fine" I said

Every seconds I'm with Karma, I get irritated.

Syah is in front of us talking to Taehyung. Both of them seemed to get along.

Except for me and Karma.

"Urgh Taehyung can you please speak to me!" Karma whined

"No, talked to your girlfriend over there." Taehyung said

Syah just gave me a thumbs up.

"I would rather talk to myself than talking to him." I rolled my eyes

"What makes you think I would want to talk to you." Karma said

"Urgh!" I'm getting frustrated.

And suddenly something caught our eyes. There's humans-like under a cave-like wall.

"Minho?" Karma and Taehyung said

"Sabrina?" Me and Syah said

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