Chapter 30 - Welcoming The Kids (End part 2)

Start from the beginning

Emerson put the phone on speaker and the lady on the line began walking her through the steps of delivering the babies. "Yes I can see the baby's head. Push Nia! You have to keep pushing!" Nia pushed on the next contraction. "The head is out!" Nia screamed in pain. "Get it out of me!" Emerson was beginning to panic.

"What do I do?! HOW DO I HELP? HELP!" The lady on the line tried calming them. "Just keep breathing. Nia needs to push on every contraction to get the baby out." Emerson put her hand under the babies head to help guide it out. "Keep pushing Nia. The shoulders are coming. Big push baby! Come on."

Nia grabbed the head board and pushed as hard a she could. Braking the wood in the process. "I cant do this any more!" "One more push! you can do this." Emerson took Nia's hand and put it on her baby. "Do you feel that? That is our baby. One more push and we get to meet her or him." Nia laid her head back and took a deep breath. Then she sat back up and pushed.

"ITS A BOY! WE HAVE A SON!" The baby's cries filled the room. "Get the 2 pieces of string I had you get before and tie the umbilical cord as tight as you can, then cut between the 2 pieces of string." Emerson did everything the lady instructed and then handed the baby to Nia.

"Oh he is perfect!" Nia handed the baby over to Emerson and she wrapped him up and laid him down. "Where is the ambulance." "Well this power outage has caused some fires and accidents because traffic lights are out. So there isn't an ambulance available right now and child birth isn't considered an emergency in these situations."

Nia's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "WHAT! I HAVE TO DELIVER BOTH MY BABIES HERE AT HOME WITHOUT A DOCTOR OR NURSE OR ANYTHING!" The lady on the line spoke. "It could be a long while before the other baby is born so it might be a good idea for you to try and get Nia and the baby to the hospital now." Emerson nodded.

"Yes I will drive you there now." Emerson put the baby back in Nia's arms and then picked them both up and put them in the car. They only got a mile down the road when they hit traffic. "Emerson I'm having strong contractions again." Its ok Nia just breath and hold on."

Nia tried to steady her breathing but it was no use. "Pull over! I have to push!" Emerson reached back. "Try not to push just yet." "Its not really something I can help." Emerson pulled over and got in back with Nia. When she looked between her legs, she already could see the baby'd head. "Push Nia. Push hard and then we will get to the hospital."

Nia pushed as hard as she could and the second baby slid out easily. "We have a little girl!" Emerson placed the baby next to her brother and then took off down the road for the hospital. When they pulled up to the emergency enterance, Nia's nurse was waiting with a wheelchair.

Two other nurses came and took the babies to be examined. Emerson lifted Nia into the wheelchair. "I am having more contractions. Why am I having more contractions? I already delivered both babies." The nurse wheeled them into the elevator. "Its just the after birth. Don't worry. It will be fine until we get you into the bed."

Nia shook her head. "Another baby is coming out of me!" Nia slouched down in the chair and spread her legs. "I AM TELLING YOU! I FEEL ANOTHER BABY!" The nurse just smiled and the elevator door opened. The nurse went to push Nia out of the elevator but Nia's spread legs prevented her from doing so.

"Nia I need you to close your legs." Nia shook her head. "I cant or I will squish the baby's head." "i cant get you out and examine you if your legs stay spread." Emerson stood behind them trying not to laugh as the two women tried reasoning with each other.

Soon Nia quickly put her legs together and the nurse pushed her out into the hallway and then her legs spung back open. They reached the room and the nurse went to help Nia out of the chair and into the bed.

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