Chapter 15 - The Turning Point

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I can't believe I just told her. I told her what I did before I become like this. A shy and innocent person. Well... Not so innocent at all. I sit on the bench and Nia rested her head on my shoulder. "Nia.. You need some coffee?" She nodded. "I'll like that." I smiled. I moved her head a bit and stand. "Decaf?" She shake her head. "I need caffeine. A lot of it." "Alright. I'll be back." Sabrina waved for me. "Wait for me.." I waited. We both walked together.

"Is Nia okay?" "Yes. She just need caffeine." I chuckled. Sabrina sighed. "Emerson I'm worried about her. We nearly lost her before and I really don't want to experienced that feeling again." I'm confused. "What happened before?" Again she sighed. "Series of bad decision gone wrong I Guess. After you left, she's... Disoriented. Her life is lost without any way out. She went to violence. So much violence. There's a point our parents have to locked her inside her own room." So she's that wild huh.

"Believe me Emerson, she will do something about Tobias. We looked up to Casey. She's older and wiser. Well.. Usually." We stopped in front of a coffee machine. I reached for some money and put it inside the machine. I pressed type of coffee I want and smiled. Sabrina have worries all over her face. "What's up?" I asked her. "The Doctors here afraid of Tobias. Sam and I can't do anything about it." I handed her the coffee and think for a moment.

"My Mommy, Hazel, she's very active in hospital activities all over the world. I can make a call and maybe she can do something about it. Maybe they can send the Larove medical expert. Our Lawyers can do anything." "You can do that?" I nodded. "My grandparents really influential all over America." I said and dial my Mommy's number. I explained everything to her and she agreed to help Nia's family. I smiled and tell everyone the good news when we all gathered up.

"Your family have their own medical team?" I nodded. "We also have our own security team. My grandparents doesn't trust anyone." "That's why it's easy to seek help from them." Charlie said. I turned to Sophia. She's really quiet. She never even looked at me. Did I do something wrong to tick her off? Sophia stand and grabbed my hand. We walked away from the family. "Aunt Sophia?" "Just call me Sophia. I know you since you were kid Emerson. Don't be too formal." I nodded. "You really have your own security team?" I nodded.

"Do you love Nia?" I actually don't have that answer for now. "I take that as a no." "I mean. I don't know yet. I know I did... But after that hit, I need time to remember everything. I know deep inside I still love her. Why do you asked me these question?" Sophia looked at me with pleading looks. "Because I need that old Emerson back. I want you to end Tobias's life." My eyes widen as her request. She's serious?! "I'm serious here Emerson. I've done seeing my sisters family life in jeopardy. I'm done Emerson."

"Are you alright? I mean.. I never thought you would asking me to do this." Sophia looked down. "You're right... I'm sorry Emerson." Now I feel bad for her. I grabbed her hand. "I see what I can do. But I need to wait for my Grandmother to be here." Sophia smiled. "Thank you. And please take care of Nia..." I nodded and I watched her walked towards her family. What should I do now? Should I let my old gun come out? Or should I let grandma Carmen deal with this bastard. I sighed and walked towards Nia who is sipping her coffee. I sit next to her and again she rested her head on my shoulder.

Hours had past, the lights on the door shut off and minutes later a doctor walked out of the surgical room. Nia and the others immediately went to his side and asked for Casey's condition. "I'm sorry. We can't save the baby. The stabbed wound killed it instantly. Also she suffer a lot of internal bleeding. We.. We have to remove her uterus to let her live." For that moment my eyes witness a parent collapse to the cold hard floor. Immediately the Nurses went to her side and helped her.

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