The Birthday Party

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"(Y/N), you're going to wow everyone. I mean look at you, you're gorgeous." Zoe told me, whilst putting the finishing touches on my make up. Currently, I was in the Zalfie hotel room. Louise kicked me out of the room so I wouldn't see what she was wearing. Which is pretty understandable, she did want to make a grand entrance and wow everyone.

"I actually owe you one Zoe." I told her. I tried turning my head to see her, but she pushed my head back. "Don't move, I'm nearly done with the highlight!" She announced. "Sorry." I said jokingly. She laughed and I smiled. "And done. Go get your dress on." Zoe exclaimed, jumping up and down slightly.

I laugh a her action and grab my dress that was neatly placed onto the bed in a black cover, so nothing could damage it. I made my way towards the bathroom, opened the door, walked in and closed it. I looked at myself in the mirror. Zoe has a great talent. I unzipped the cover on my dress and took it off.

I stared at my dress, it was a black dress with a gold chain connected to the neck part, its slightly open at the back, exposing my bra, but that's fine. The dress stops mid thigh at the front, but at the back its all flowy and down to the floor.

That's why I love the dress. Its a nice style. I took off the bathrobe I was wearing and slipped my dress on. After a couple minutes of sorting the dress out, I was finally finished. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Zoe, Niomi, Tanya and Cat, sitting on the 2 beds.

They were smiling at me. "When did you guys come in?" I asked, walking to the lounge to grab my small high heel shoes. "Just a couple minutes ago, whilst you were in there." Tanya told me, "You look so gorgeous!" Tanya continued. "You do!" Zoe, Niomi and Cat said in unison, making myself laugh.

"Thanks, but you guys look so much better than me, I mean look at you guys. You're perfect!" I told them, making them smile. "Come on guys, the limos are waiting! Louise wants us in there before her." Cat exclaimed. "Were going in a limo?!" I exclaimed and they laughed. "Yes. Louise wants to have a grand entrance, and she wants all of us to have one to, so she wants us to join her." Niomi explained and I smiled.

"Let's party!" Zoe shouted and we all shouted too, making her way to the front door. "Wait, presents!" I exclaimed. "Don't want to forget them." Cat said. I grabbed all of our presents and handed them to everyone. "Now let's go party!" Zoe exclaimed once again, making us laugh.

Dan's POV (Why not put 2 POV in one chapter)

Myself and Phil were just putting our shoes on, when there was a knock on the door. Phil walked to the door and I heard footsteps. Once I was done with my shoes, I looked up and saw Alfie, Joe, Caspar, Jim and Marcus. "Hey guys." I said and they greeted me with hi's. "Shall we get going?" Marcus asked. "Yeah, sure. Let me her Louise's present." I said, grabbing nine and Phil's joint present.

As we left the hotel ro

om, the girls did too. "Guys, go back inside, we don't want you seeing our dresses!" I heard Cat say. We quickly went back in and laughed. "Seems like the girls want to wow us." Jim said, making us laugh. "Probably." Alfie retorts.

"You guys can come out now! I heard Cat say faintly. "Guess its our cue to leave." Marcus said, opening the door.

~Time Skip to them arriving~

I couldn't believe that Louise rented a limo for us and the girls, from our hotel to the place where the event is taken place. Before we arrived the girls limo didn't leave, so I'm guessing they are making a grand entrance with or without Louise. We all got out of the limo and saw a pink carpet. Like a red carpet, but pink.

We walked in and the first thing we saw was a table full of presents. We placed our presents on there and handed our tickets to the ticket people. Once that was sorted, we entered the room and saw many people there. There was a bar on one side and a dance floor on the other. I was about to walk to the bar because alcohol, but someone started speaking into a microphone.

"Attention everyone! Louise and her friends have now arrived. I will read out the names of whom has arrived and they will walk in." I looked at the guys and they were smiling. They were probably eager to see what their girlfriends/ the girls look like. "First up; Niomi Smart!" The spokesman announced, and Niomi walked in, I looked at Marcus and his jaw dropped. She waved at everyone and walked towards Marcus, pecking his lips. (They are still going out in this book okay. They are one of my otp's and I was devastated that they broke up.) 

"Next up, Cat Valdes!" The spokesman announced. Cat walked in and I was surprised. Cat is not the type of girl to wear a dress, she would notrmally wear some ripped skinny jeans and a sweatshirt, but I guess the theme is formal and Louise specifically said dresses and tux's, she had to wear one. She smiled at people. She walked towards us and stood in front of me. "You guys are gonna love (Y/N) dress." She whispered to both of us. Now I was eager to know what she's wearing.

"Next up, Tanya Burr!" The spokesman announced. Tanya walked in and I looked at Jim, he was smiling at her and she was smiling at him. She waved to the other people and made her way to Jim, and hugged him, whilst he kissed the top of her head. They're cute together, they deserve each other. I still can't believe they have been married for months now.

"Next up, Zoe Sugg!" Zoe walked in; "Wow!" I heard Alfie say loudly, making me look at him. Zoe laughed and made her way to Alfie, and pecked him on the lips and hugged him. They need to get married, I mean you can relate. "Next up, (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)!" The spokesman announced. I looked at her and my jaw dropped. "I knew you guys would like what she's wearing." Cat whispered to me and Phil. I lokoed at Phil and his jaw dropped. "Sister from a different mister!!" I heard Joe shout. "Brother from another mother!!" (Y/N) replied, making her way to Joe and Caspar, whilst waving at other and me and Phil. 

"Last but not least. The birthday girl herself, Louise Pentland!!" The spokesman announced and she walked in. Everyone started applausing so I joined it. She was wearing a flowey pink dress that was covered in some glitter. So ironic. The spokesman handed the microphone to Louise and she thanks him. "Aloha, thank you to everyone who has come to celebrate my birthday, thanks to the present you have given me, I hope you enjoy yourself. Oh, Darcy do you want to say something?" Louise asked Darcy, who was pulling her arm slightly. She grab Darcy the microphone, "LETS PARTY!!" She shouts making people luagh slightly and aww. 

"Yeah let's party!" Louise repeats and hands the microphone back to the spokesman who smiles. (Y/N) walked towards me, Phil and Cat. "You two may wanna close your mouths before you catch flies." She told us. "You look goregous." Phil and I said in unison, making Cat and (Y/N) laugh. "Thanks, you two aren't that bad yourself." She said, punching our arms playfully. "(Y/N) can I talk to you privately?" Cat asked and she nodded. "You guys go in, have fun. I'll see you guys in a bit." She told us and we made our way to the bar.

~After a couple drinks~

Once Louise announced that Darcy was going to bed, it was our cue to get drunk. I'm not gonna lie, I was shitfaced. I drank too much, but I tend to do that a lot. I knew that Phil wasn't going to drink much anyway, he prefers to look after me that have fun. I feel guilty that he does that because I want him to enjoy himself, but he refuses and prefers to make sure I'm okay. Currently, I was on the dance floor with some girl. I would tell you what her name was, but my vision is slightly blurred and I'm already forget my name. "Shall we go to your place?" The girl whispered in my ear. "Sure. Let me tell my friend." I told her, grabbing her hand and taking her to Phil. I knew Phil would be staying with PJ and Chris on the sofa. 

"Stay here." I told the girl. I walked to Phil; "I'm g-going back t-to the h-hotel room." I slurred. "Let me come with you." Phil insisted. "No. H-Have fun. I-I've got someone." I told him and I felt my hand being held by soft hands. "Let's go D-Dan." I heard the girl slur. She pulled me away from Phil and towards the exit.

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