Day 1 of Vidcon

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(Y/N) - Your Name

Zoe's POV

I woke up early the next day and made my way to Louise's. It's been ages since I went to Chummy's in the morning. I knocked on the door of their hotel room and I was greeted by an all ready dressd and pampered Louise. 

"Hey chummy." She whispered and I shot a confused look at her. '(Y/N) is still asleep' she mouthed and I made an 'o' shape with my mouth. I walked into the room and hug chummy. I departed the hug and looked at (Y/N). She looked so peaceful.

I hear a ping go off from the other side of the room. Louise made her way to the noise and unlocked her phone. Her eyes widened and she smiled. She looked up from her phone and made her way towards me. She showed me a text message.

'Hey Louise, I have to say this to you, I know you can keep a secret. I have a crush on (Y/N).'  -Dan

I loked at Louise and we started talking about it, but quietly so (Y/N) didn't wake up.


I stirred in my sleep to a sound of familiar voices. I opened my eyes slightly and sat up. I opened my eyes fully now and saw Louise and Zoe were bickering over something. I only heard this vital part, 'I can't believe Dan..." By the sound of the voice, it was happy, so nothing bad. 

I got up from the bed and stretched, yawning in the process. I made my way towards them, "What are you guys bickering about? You woke me up." I said rubbing my eyes and saw that mascara smugges were on my hand.

"Nothing important. Hey, we were just think that we should go down to the breakfast bar, but we didn't want to leave you here. We were just about to wake you up." Louise smiled, so did Zoe. I smiled back and made my way to my suitcase. I unzipped it and I looked through my clothes. 

"Louise, Zoe can you help me?" I said and they walked towards me. "What's up?" Zoe asked. "Can you pick me an outfit, whilst I go and have a quick shower." They nodded and I had a quick shower. After drying up, i held the towel firmly around my figure and opened the door. I saw that they laid out my blue denim dungarees and my white crop top.

I grabbed them, thanking them in the process and went into the bathroom. I changed and dried my hair. After the 'long time' of doing this process, I applied light amount of make up and left the bathroom. I took out some white ankle socks, put them on and zipped my suitcase back up. I grabbed my converse and put them on my feet too.

We all made our way to the breakfast bar and started eating. After the breakfast and the constant conversations, Zoe checked the time. "Guys, we need to go to the meeting now!" She said and she collected everything of hers. Myself and Louise did the same thing and made our way towards the meeting room. (Right I don't know if they have meetings at all, but I'm improvising)

We entered the meeting room and saw that now everyone was there which was a good sign. On the table, there were many name tags in specific places. Some Youtubers were sat already sat in their assigned places, so all I need to do was find mine.

'Alfie... Zoe.....Louise....Dan....(Y/N)....Phil...' I said in my head. I pulled the chair back and sat down in my designated spot. Louise and Zoe sat down and were in a full on conversation. As I wasn't included in the conversation, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and open up one of my favourite apps on my phone, Wattpad.

I heard the door open, but I didn't bother look up. I was full on immersed into this book I was reading. I heard the chairs beside me move. I realised that Dan and Phil have arrived. I looked up and looked at both of them and looked back down. I'm an awkward human being.. I thought.

I heard a cough from the front of the room and I looked up. I placed my phone on the side of the table. The person at the front welcomed us and the meeting began.

Stuck In The MiddleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora