Plane Ride

90 4 0

(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/F/B) - Your Favourite Band

Dan's POV

'Wow (Y/N) is prettier in person...' I thought.

Phil's POV

'Wow (Y/N) is goregous...' I thought.


"Flight to America is now boarding." Said the female over the intercom. "Let's go to America!" I said enthusiastically, making my way to the gate. I heard them laugh behind me, but I blocked them out. I was too excited to notice. I gave my ticket to them and I dragged my suitcase behind. 

I looked for my seat and found it in the middle of a three seater row. My seat was in the middle, so I grabbed my earphones out of my hand luggage and put it in the over head compartment. I sat in my seat and plug my earphones into my phone and put my headphones in my ears. I played (Y/F/B), and started mouthing to the lyrics. The volume wasn't that loud, then again it wasn't that quiet. 

You scroll through social media to occupy the time. I hear a cough coming from the side of me. I look away from my phone to the 2 tall emo hair boys. "Hey (Y/N)!" Dan and Phil said in unison. "Hey guys!" I retorted. "I guess we're sitting with you." Dan said smiling, which made me smile. "Where are you sitting." I ask. Phil pointed to the sit right in front of him, and Dan pointed at the seat next to the window. 

Dan placed his hand luggage in the over head compartment, after Phil did his. I got up from my seat and let Dan get in first, so he didn't have to climb over me or else that would of been awkward. We strapped in and waited for the plane to start.

~Moments Later~

I unplugged my headphones and wrapped the cord around it. I looked outside the window an saw the most amazing view, good enough for a picture. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the view. I posted it on instagram and twitter, explaining what's going on in the caption.

Suddenly I heard dings coming from either side of me. I felt my phone vibrate, I looked at my phone and saw I got 2 retweets from danisnotonfire and amazingphil on twitter, and 2 likes from them on instagram. I smiled and dismissed the notification. I plugged my headphones back in and decided to put some music that will make me go to sleep. I'm so knackered.

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