things will be okay!!

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I hope you aren't sad because if you are its a complete waste of your time, you could be doing more beautiful things like smiling and hugging people you love and just being selfless!!

I'm actually so sick of having pity for myself, that I decided that I'm just going to try my damn hardest to find the positives in any situation I can and just embrace a bad scenario.

And don't dwell on the people who hurt you, think about the people who make you smile and laugh and make you want cuddles, because cuddles are cute.

And I decided this summer I have to lost 10 pounds, I just have too. I'm going to set that goal and then feel accomplished when i meet it because I should do it for my health.

Set a goal this summer that will bring you satisfaction because that's one of the best feelings in the world.

But as a side note (and no redd_rosie it has nothing to do with the illuminati) Rcandy11 shout out to you for sitting through someone reading the 130 question final!! Someone give her a round of applause because you don't know what depression is until you have to sit through 15 minutes of only 10 questions.


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