this boy has a smile

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At school things are pretty crappy considering the early hours I have to wake and the endless work that's being shoved in my face but in some weird ways I'm beginning to look forward to it???


so I'll make him laugh really hard and I'll do anything to make him laugh and when he does he looks down because either he's shy or just is a habit he has, and I could listen to that beautiful sound for hours on repeat because I love making him happy.

Something about seeing other people smile, not just him, makes me feel amazing and it's such a small rush for me but reliving it everyday is exciting. The only way I find myself being happy is doing dumb shit that make people lose themselves in a fit of laughter.

So to say I'm looking forward to 8th period tomorrow is an understatement, that's all I think about and it's super weird because last time I liked someone I ended up really hurt and insecure but I hope the same thing doesn't happen this time around because it would hurt like hell.

Anyways I love you all!!


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