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I'm going to try and write something cute for my little ducklings because I love you so so much.


do you want to know why you should love yourself? Because there is one you, no one will ever be quite like you. Your existence, your presence is an absolute miracle. Everyone is put here for a reason and you have a purpose, you have a destiny to live through.

So why live your life not loving your sanctuary? Your body is your home and your mind is supposed to be a safe place that no one else can reach. When the world is raging you only have yourself, and if you ever find yourself alone all you will have is yourself. Never just waste that away.

You are human, you are unique, people all around you love you and if you were gone their world would be different. You add something beautiful to everyone you meet.

So please keep that smile shining and don't let it fade to gray because I won't let you.


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