
79 13 2

When people leave your life, I know how shitty it is, especially when you really cared about them and they just left, but just know you can't spend your time being shit sad over something like that.

And here's why:

They're going to end up bragging about how they used to know you, even if it's not soon, they will. They'll feel pride in the fact that they were able to call you their friend and/or boyfriend/girlfriend.

Even though it seems like they may not be hurting over the loss of your presence, they are, so what you're feeling, you're not the only one.

Don't blame yourself for the reason they decided to leave you, don't put that weight on your shoulders.

Last but not least, IT'S THEIR LOSSSS.

~honey idk wth that was but it needed to be said~


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