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From a very long time humans have fascinated fairies and have created them in their imaginations.

"No such thing as a fairy" is what a critic would say, but if only they knew that those endearing creatures helping them in their lives by being their Godparent is actually a fairy who turns their lives into the most remarkable fairytale.

In the depths of the forest, there was an enchanted world, the gateway to which was an enormous mountain no one dared to climb for the dangerous storms it brought them. If only one could manage to climb without getting injured, one could discover a heavenly world with its distinct ecosystem, the name of which was Eupharia- the land of fairies and other imaginary creatures. It was a world untouched by the world outside.

Once in every twenty years, different colored pearls would appear floating on the surface of the lake of life. When the first rays of dawn stream down on them, they crack open to let out a baby fairy and this was the very moment everyone waited for. A great audience of all the fairies dressed in clothing of flower petals or leaves gathered around the lake along with her majesty Queen Violetta to welcome the little ones in the world.

When every pearl had cracked open like an egg, the messenger of the queen, Driscoll approached one of the babies who smiled at him. The baby had honey like brown eyes and her wings weren't yet developed. The infant was placed in the queen's arms after she was wrapped in gigantic flower petal, the baby giggled at her as she smiled.

"The name of this fairy will be.." she began announcing "Zarine"

there were cheers when she had announced the name. A couple was summoned to come forward and the infant was handed over to them.

The baby from the next pearl was then handed over to the queen and on and on many infants were named and were handed over to the chosen couples. As Driscoll advanced towards the last pearl, he was horrified discovering that the pearl hadn't opened yet.

"Your majesty! the pearl is still compact" everyone gasped in fear and began whispering the possibilities of such happening.

"Quiet!" The queen silenced everyone and flew towards the pearl along with Driscoll and another chosen couple, when they took a closer look at it, they found out that there was no sign even of a single crack.

"Perhaps.." Driscoll sighed in pain "It might be still born"

When the queen began giving up hope and turned away, the sound of a crack stole her attention.

"Is it the pearl?" The woman who was chosen along with her husband asked the queen. "It's not alive Mrs. Waters" the queen replied in disappointment.

Then, there was another sound of a crack, the queen flew to the other side of the pearl and saw that the pearl had cracked open with a beautiful baby girl, she had a hint of raven hair and eyes. When she saw the queen, she smiled.

Driscoll began laughing at the infant and stopped abruptly as the queen gave him an astonished look.

"I apologize, your majesty" he said in guilt, the queen snorted and then chortled at him and everyone followed in laughter with relief. She took the infant in her arms and said "You mischievous little creature, you frightened us all"

The infant smiled and began playing with the pearls the queen had been wearing.

"Do you love it? Well, shouldn't I be giving you a name first?" the queen pondered and the infant began blowing bubbles from her mouth.

"Water? be it....Aquaria, your name it shall be" the people cheered happily and then she removed her pearls from her neck only to put it around the infant's neck as a gift of relief.

A Fairy Godmother In Love (EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora