She aimed the water toys at the two boys just as someone walked down the stairs. It was Riley. "Hey, Maya? I think I left my stuff down here, I just need to get it to get changed." Riley said quietly, but stopped at the bottom of the stair case when she saw what Maya was about to do. "Actually," Maya grinned as she got an idea. "Why don't you help me?" She said, gesturing for Riley to come over as Riley grinned and nodded happily. She took a water gun as Maya held one out to her.

"I'll get Zay and you get Charlie." Maya whispered to Riley as she walked closer to where Zay was. This would be hilarious considering the right side of Zay's face was pressed against the floor and his ear on the left side was facing upwards; Maya knew exactly what she was going to do.

"Ready?" Maya whispered as she squinted, finding the perfect aim to shoot the cold water. "Ready." Riley said as she was all set. "One..." Maya counted, and Riley followed along with, "Two..."

"Three!" They yelled in unison, shooting the cold water at the boys, laughing as they both shot up in shock. "What the hell?" Zay said, shooting up and putting a hand over his left ear, trying to stop the cold water from leaking out. Charlie though, Charlie's hair was completely soaked. He looked like an actual mop.

Zay blinked his eyes, clearing his vision to see Maya smirking down at him. "Oh," Zay laughed sarcastically. "I'm gonna get you back for that, Hart." Zay said in a cold, yet playful way. "I'm sure you will, buddy." Maya laughed, as she squirted the rest of the water at him and threw the toy on the coffee table.

"What now?" Riley said, recovering from her fit of laughter as Charlie shook his head as he smiled a bit. "Well, I'm going to go and get these two some towels and I'm going to get ready myself." Maya said as she smiled at the girl's smile. "Okay, I should get ready too." Riley said, setting the water gun on the coffee table and walked over to get her stuff as she then went back upstairs.

Maya walked into the kitchen and grabbed two towels from a drawer. She came back into the living room with the towels, but as soon as she came back, the two boys were standing and each pointing a refilled water gun at her. Maya chuckled nervously, dropping the towels and backing up into a wall.

"Guys, guys... don't do this..." Maya said, nervously smiling. "Oh, but we're going to anyways, and we're going to love it." Charlie smiled a sassy smile.

"Okay! Fine, just get it over with." Maya said reluctantly, covering her eyes with her hands.

Without a warning, the two boys shot at her and laughed with one another once they were done. Maya uncovered her eyes and shook her head, getting up and running a hand through her now soaked hair. "Pleasure doing business with you." Zay said, shaking Charlie's hand. "You too, partner." Charlie said. Then, the two bursted out in laughter again.

Maya rolled her eyes and walked up to the staircase, going to get ready to go to Topanga's.

Maya passed Sarah as she was walking up the stairs to go get ready, and Sarah was walking down the stairs from getting ready.

Maya guessed that Riley would probably be halfway done by now, considering that the boys just had to get revenge on her.

Maya walked to the door of her room and just as she was about to turn the knob, she decided that it was probably best to knock first. So, she let go of the doorknob slowly and softly knocked on the door. "May I come in?" Maya asked, even though it was her room, she still wanted to be respectful and polite.

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