Stargazing (Prologue)

Start from the beginning

I bowed so low to the point I can hardly see anything in front of me. Then suddenly I could feel a light tap on my head. I look up and to my surprise! All of the CoF's members are right in front of me! "Eh?!" Unconciously I jumped backward making a weird facial expression due to my shock.

"See what you've done Hashi... You scared her!" Said Un:c waving around his index finger while making an arrogant face at Hashiyan.
"I was just trying to cheer her..." said Hashiyan sulking a bit, rummaging his hair.
"Well, well, let's introduce our self to (y/n)-san first right?" Said Ito Kashitaro, with his usual mask showing only his awkward smile.
"Then me first! I'm Kony! Nice to meet you!" Said Kony making a piece sign and laugh afterward.
"Stop acting cute when you're not, lols" said Un:c stealing the spotlight from Kony. "I'm Anku-chan, nice to meet you! Don't forget I'm the cutest here kay!" Said Un:c acting all cute with his big grin "Well,(y/n)-chan is cute too though!" Said Un:c smiling and again, waving his index finger around. He is, so close tho. I could feel my face getting hotter and redder. "E-eh, yes, thank you..." i told him while fidgetly scratching the back of my head. Gosh, he is cute tho!

"Okay, okay. You're too close Un:c... can't you see you're making (y/n)-san uncomfortable?" Said Hashiyan pulling Un:c away from me slowly. "Ah, I'm Hashiyan by the way, nice to meet you!" Said Hashiyan looking at me with a big smile on his face. Wow, I guess my heart just skipped a bit...?

"Hello, (y/n)-san, I'm Ito Kashitaro, you can call me Kashi like how they usually call me in social media! I hope we can get along well!" Said Kashi from beside me, tapping my shoulder a few time lightly. Gosh! His face is so close to mine!!!

"Then, let us explain your work some more kay!" Said Kashi pointing at a chair and table. "Okay!" I said while walking to the chair happily. "Today is so like a dream! I guess I can die happily now, lols. Wait, no,no, meeting utaites is a blessing, but I need to do my work nicely first before dying at least!" I told my self while slapping both of my cheeks a few times with my eyes closed to clear my mind a bit and sat down on a chair.


Hm? Is it just my imagination or did I heard someone said Ouch? Eh, wait, I thought I am sitting on an iron chair without cushion, so why is it kinda, fluffy, warm, and soft?! I could feel my heart throbbing so fast and my face got redder. Huh? Now that I think about it, something, more like someone is missing at the introduction right? More like, that person is, right below me!!!

I stood up immediately when I realised that I have sat on the sleeping Amatsuki! Gosh!!! What have I done!!!

"Oh my!! I am so sorry! I was so absent-minded that I didn't realised I was sitting on you until recently! I am so sorry!!! Please forgive this stupid me!!!" well, this might be the end of my happy workdays with utaites. I've ruined it! Not to mention I just sat on my fav utaite Amatsuki so shamelessly! God, please forgive me I've tainted one of your best creation! I guess I just lost my whole mind just now.

"Ouch, my nose hurts..." said Amatsuki getting up slowly while rubbing his whole face them his nose. Wait, did I just sat on HIS FACE??!!! sigh, this is the worst scenario ever...

"Amatsuki-san, I am sooo very sorry!!!" I said bowing so low begging for forgiveness.

"Huh? Well, it's alright tho? Like, you didn't meant to do it anyway right? It's my fault for sleeping anyway. Haha, tho it is so hillarious! Hahahaha!!!" Said Amatsuki starting to laugh. I guess, my heart is going crazy!

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