Sam strode up to me and hopped onto the table. I offered her a cup of coffee which she took eagerly.

“You’re boyfriends are truly awesome,” she commented dryly.

“I know,” I agreed, not bothering on the term boyfriends. She was just teasing.

“I’d still thinking about how you all got called in early to the meeting tonight,” she told me with a frown. “Everyone except me and Milford. Wonder what that’s about.”

Milford and Sam had been practicing with us for three full weeks now, and Special Training classes had continued as well of course. I’d been teaching everyone about energy exchanges, and Aurora had been teaching Simon how to grant whishes more efficiently, so that he wouldn’t go through his energy source so quickly. Yesterday, Mr. Combright had sent all of us a letter letting us to come in early on today’s meeting and to not tell anyone about it. Of course, I’d told Sam within three seconds after the letter had arrived, and Eros had informed Milford. Turned out they hadn’t received a letter. Simon had seem Rennor with his letter on in the hallway, so we suspected everyone except the wolves were invited, which was weird, to say the least.

Well, I guessed we’d know what it was all about soon enough…

When Simon, Eros and I walked to Mr. Combright’s classroom, my phone buzzed. With a smile, I answered.

“Demona, you weirdo, how are you?” Greg’s booming voice sounded in my ear.

“Better now I’m talking to you,” I replied teasingly.

“No, really,” he continued, his voice serious now. “How are you doing?”

“Anne told you, didn’t she?” I grunted in irritation. I’d called Anne a few weeks ago to talk to her about my break-up with Simon and I’d made her promise she wouldn’t tell our other friends. I didn’t want their pity right now. It was enough that Anne knew.

Greg chuckled. “You didn’t really expect her to keep her mouth shut about this, did you?”

“Good point.” Anne was amazing, but keeping secrets from her friends wasn’t one of her many skills. Lying to her parents, sure, no problem, but to her friends she was an open book. Usually, I was too, but lately… I guess being in a Supernatural Boarding School with two bondmates doesn’t do much for openness and honesty…

“So, have you kicked the guy in the balls yet?”

I burst out laughing and glanced at Simon who was walking next to me with a curious expression on his face. “He’s still my friend, Greg.”

“He’s awful for dumping you, Dem. I never liked him anyway.”

“That’s a lie and you know it. You liked him fine when you met him in the pancake restaurant.”

“Why are you talking about me?” Simon whispered urgently. “Who’s on the phone? Anne?”

“Greg,” I mouthed back.

“You never answered my question,” Greg urged. “Are you okay?”

“Sure,” I replied quickly.

“Wait – is he there with you?” When I confirmed his  suspicion, he sighed. “Fine, I’ll just ask yes or no questions then. He’s really still your friend?”


“And that going fine?”

“Kinda, yes.”

“You still want him back though, right?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Are you working on that?”


“Is the plan working?”

I thought about that for a moment. It had been three weeks since I’d last kissed him, so that was long. It was hard for me to focus on my homework sometimes, because the light would hit Simon in a certain way, or he ruffled his hair and I got lost staring at the casual motion. He had the same troubles when it came to me – that much was clear. But whereas I wasn’t trying to hide it, he tried to stifle all of his feelings every times they came up. But then again, he had minded earlier when Eros had put his arm around me. He always minded when I was with Eros, even though he didn’t say anything about it. Ever.

“Dem, you still there?”

“Yeah, sorry, just thinking.”

“Is the plan working?”

“Kinda. Needs more time and work though.”

Greg sighed deeply. “Is he really worth it, Dem?”

We’d reached the classroom and Simon opened the door for me, letting me enter first. In a display of affection rare ever since we broke up, he put an arm around my waist and grazed my temple with his nose. I shivered. This question at least was easy to answer.

“Yes, he is.”

“Okay then.” I could tell Greg was getting ready to hang up. “I’ll call you soon, Dem. We’re all planning on coming up to see you soon, so I’ll get back to you with a plan.”

“That’s great,” I answered happily. I was still a bit conflicted about hanging out with my old friends, but since even my mother had pretty much told me it was okay to see them, I might as well enjoy it.

“Miss Hollow, it you would be so kind?” Mr. Combright was looked at me with disapproval in his eyes. The classroom had filled up and everyone but Sam and Milford were present. My phone  conversation with Greg was keeping everybody waiting. Crap.

“Got to go now, Greg, I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Okay, little geek!” He made obnoxious kissing noises into his phone and I put away my phone with a big grin on my face.

Eros had moved close me while I was talking to my friend, and he now leaned in. “It’s good to see you so happy,” he mused contently. “You don’t smile as often as you used to these days.”

I flushed bright red. Eros always made comments like this, taking me completely off guard. He was right of course; ever since Simon and I weren’t together, I’d been more serious, doing my homework, helping with trainings… I still enjoyed running with Eros, playing Guitar Hero, hanging out with Minnie, Will, Antwan and Simon, but it wasn’t the same as before. The constant tension with Simon hadn’t gone away and it had made me less smiley and bouncy.

“When they come to visit you, let me know,” Eros continued in a whisper. “I know a great hotel nearby where they could all stay. My stepdad could pull some strings, wouldn’t cost them a thing.”

Mr. Combright cleared his throat then and looked murderous at me and Eros because we kept him waiting again. I didn’t respond in any way, I was too shocked. My brain was spinning.

Eros heard everything I’d said to Greg! Damn his vampire hearing!

It struck me that even though he’d heard me tell Greg I still wanted Simon back and that I was convinced it was worth it, he was still going to do me this huge favor. Somehow, Eros had continued to be supportive and nice the past few weeks and I didn’t know how he could muster it. He winked at me now and I felt my cheeks redden even more. I was such an awful person for putting him through so much.

Such a God-awful person…




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