25. Harry

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It's been a week since me and Haillee got together and honestly I can't stand her so he dumped me immediately but it surprises me when it didn't hurt a bit. It's been a week since I didn't saw Selena at school. She's been missing in action lately.

I was walking in the hallway when someone was using Selena's locker.

"Uhmmm, Hey but that locker has and owner." I said. A brunette girl look at me.

"Oh, you're talking about the old owner. Well, didn't you heard?" She said.

"Heard what?" I asked.

"She was out of this school, last week. The whole campus was talking about your break up and everyone think that she transfer to different school because she can't move on when she's here. Some says that she go back to Texas and decides to finish high school there." She said. I thank her. Why did she go? That was out of the plan.

At lunch, I spotted Kate. I grabbed her arms and lead her out.

"Where did Selena go?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Come on, Kate." I urged.

"Texas." She simply said.

"Why?" I asked. She laughed sarcastically.

"You really didn't know why, Harry. You're so blind. You asked her to be your fake girlfriend to get Haillee, right?" She said. I nodded. "When she smiles when Haillee notice you, it's fake. When she was urging you to just fight your feelings for Haillee, it's fake. She's just Faking It all the time you were happy that Haillee notice you. But the truth was, she was hurting herself. She falls deeply for you, Harry but all you did was leave her falling in a deep well until she reach the bottom. She loves you too much. When you say to her that you had sex with Haillee, puh-lease. Fuck, it was Selena! She was the one who you fuck with! But you were so blind and a dickhead. She give herself to you coz she loves you! But what did you do? You snapped at her! You call her when you're fucking Haillee! For what?! To hurt her more! Well, fuck yourself, Harry!" She said while crying and left. I was standing there. I remember when we had a date she cried when I said I love Haillee. Now I know why, she loves me. I look at my surroundings and punch the wall beside me. I punch and punch it until my knuckles bled.

"Fucking idiot!" I said to myself. I sit down and tears fall. I know it's her that I fuck with that night. She left her clip beside the lamp I had. But still I thought that it was Haillee's and they just have the same clip.

When I return home, mom was there to fix my knuckles who was severely damaged by me punching the walls.

"There done." Mom said. I kissed her forehead as a sign of thanks and went upstairs. I brought out a bottle of scotch. I think of all the idiotic decision I had in my life. Memories of us together flash through my mind.

(Chapter 7)

"Hey, look at me." I said and cupped her face. "I'm not angry with you, okay?" I said. I stared at her for a second and I leaned. My lips touch hers and I started to move my hands and put it on her waist. She kiss back and enjoying my lips on her. I pulled back and smiled.

"You're lips was cold. Go shower." I said. She nodded and go to the showers.

(Chapter 8)

"That's more like it. Use contact lens more often." I said. She stared at me and I stared back. I leaned again and kissed her. My hands find it's way to her hips and she kiss me back. I guided her arms to my neck as I kiss her passionately. I pulled away.

"I hate to say this but that was incredible." I said still holding her. I pecks her one more time and I guided her to the kitchen. To be honest that was the greatest kiss I've ever done.

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