24. Emotions

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He unclasps my bra after he said that and kiss me passionately. Tears still falling from my eyes. I couldn't help it. He removes it start sucking and massaging both of my breasts. His kisses went down and when he reach the hem of my panty, he slowly drags it down with his teeth.

A couple of hours passed, he's now pushing himself in and out of me. I moaned when he hit my spot and he does it again. I hold onto him when I know I'm near and scream his name. He screams not my name but Haillee's. After he releases, he detached himself inside of me and pull the cover above us.

"I love you." He whispered as I silently cried beside him.

The next morning, Harry was sound asleep. I look at him and memorize every part of his face. I silently move his arms around me and got out. I immediately put on my clothes even though I'm wincing because of the pain. I grab a pen and a paper.

'Dear, Harry

Last night was amazing. You were amazing but I need to leave early. Thanks for everything. I love you so much. Please don't forget that.


I doubted if I should put my name or Haillee's since he knows he was with Haillee last night. With a single tear.


H. Xx

I wiped my tears and put down the pen. I silently open the door and got out. His apartment was trash but I can't stay any longer. I know he's going to wake up anytime soon. I locked the door after I got out and hail a taxi back to my house. When I arrived, Mom open the door for me.

"Sweetie, what happen?" She asks after she let me in. I look at her and immediately hug her while I'm crying.

"Oh, dear. Let it out. It's gonna be alright." She said while soothingly caressing my back. After I calmed down, she motions me to sit in the sofa.

"Why?" She asks. I sighed.

"Harry wasn't my real boyfriend, Mom." I said. She looked at me with widen eyes.

"He needs a pretend girlfriend so he could get the girl of his life. But each day I'm with him. I didn't notice I was falling. Faster and deeply. He made me the happiest girl in the world. He made me so special to think that he has feelings for me. I didn't got home coz Harry was drunk and we did it. It hurts when he scream her name not mine but I love him so much so I let him." I said in tears again.

"Sel, I can see how Harry looks at you. He likes you too. I think he's just afraid to say it to you. Why don't you tell him. Maybe he'll understand." Mom said.

"There's no need for that, mom. I've decided." I said.

"Decided what?" She said back. More tears came out.

"I've decided to finish high school in Texas with Grandma and just leave England for awhile." I said.

"Honey, why?" She asks still feeling sad for me.

"Coz it hurts every time I see him." I said truthfully.

"Okay, just finish this month first and you're good to go." She said. Later on, she discussed the talk with dad and he's okay with it and feel sorry for me. Same as mom, they see Harry likes me. With the same sentence, he was just afraid to say it. Why can't I see those? Why do he show emotions if he has only for my parents? He's complicated as fuck.

Morning came and the whole school was still can't get over about the championship game last week. We have a 1 week no school for that.

"Hey, Sel!" A group of girls waved. I waved back being awkward as ever.

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