12. Sweet

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I woke up with a smile still lingers in my face. Harry stays the night coz he wants too. I look at his sleeping state and found out that I'm totally whipped over this guy. I shake him gently until I heard him groaned. He open his eyes and smiled at me.

"We should get going, coz you now stinks." I said and scrunched my nose to tease him.

"I stink, huh? Well, smell this." He said and tucked me underneath his clothed armpit.

"No! Harry, let me go!" I said. He let me go and I throw the pillow at him. He successfully dodge it and stuck out his tongue at me.

"Go shower, Sel. We both stink. I'll wait for you downstairs." He said. I nodded and looked at my phone. As usual, Vanessa texted me the outfit I should be wearing today. It was a white blouse that I needed to top with a pink spaghetti strap dress. I also pick out a white heels. I leave my wavy hair behind and apply the contacts Harry gave me.

I go downstairs only to be greeted by my parents and Louis. I kissed them as a form of saying good morning as I kiss Harry's cheeks earning an awed from my parents and a fake gagged from Louis.

"Don't be like that, Louis. Your sister's in love with this handsome guy." Mom said. As I choke on the water I'm sipping.

"You okay, Sel?" Harry asked while rubbing my back in a soothing way. I nodded and look at Louis who sat across from me with his teasing grin. I rolled my eyes at him and we continue to eat. After that, Harry says goodbye to my parents and me as well. Again, we need to go to his apartment for him to take a shower. The ride all the way there was quiet but it's comfortable.

Harry surprisingly ignored the flirting receptionist and we go upstairs.

"Wait here. I'll be right back." He said. I nodded and reached for the remote of his telly and watched news. After an hour, he got out wearing a white shirt top with a checkered blue polo shirt and his tight jeans. He is on his black converse too and some necklaces were hanging loosely around his neck. You can also see his tattoos.

"When did you got a tattoo?" I asked while I'm turning off his telly.

"When I was 15, I became a rebel in that age since my parents were arguing. I got grounded for two months when they saw it. But now they accepted it." He said. I nodded.

"You're 17 right now, right?" I asked. He nodded. "How many tattoos you have now?" I asked again.

"I don't know. I keep adding some when I like too." He said. I nodded and we got out. He open the door of his car for me as I mumble a quiet thank you.

We arrived at school 15 minutes earlier. I was shocked since Harry was slow as a turtle but I also wake up early so that's why. We walked hand in hand until I reach my locker.

"I'll just get my things. Wait for me here." He said. He kissed my forehead and feel those butterflies on my stomach. I giggled.

"I mean it, Sel. If you don't wait here, you are dead." He said, scaring me. As if I am scared. I just shook my head and shoo him away. I get my books and everything when someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and saw Gabe. I frowned.

"Hey, Gabe! Why are you here?" I asked. He looked at me and looked around.

"Hey, Selena, right?" He unsurely said. I nodded and look at him.

"I just want to say hi." He said. I giggled and he chuckled.

"So, why are you here?" I asked. He open his mouth and close it.

"I jus want to ask if you are f---" he was cut by Harry draping his arms over my shoulder.

"Hey, babe! We need to get going. Are you ready?" He asks. I look at him and nodded. I closed the locker door and look at Gabe.

"I'm sorry, Gabe. This idiot can't wait." I said and smiled at him. Haillee approach us and Harry stiffens.

"I'm sorry, Selena, Harry. Gabe, can we go to the canteen now? I'm starving." Haillee said. Gabe kissed Haillee in front of us.

"Let's go, babe. Later, Harry. Nice to meet you again, Selena." Gabe said and walk away with his hands on Haillee's waist.

"I'm going to kill that bastard." Harry murmured. Loud enough for me to hear and slightly heard my heart break.

"We should get going." I said and freed myself from him. Of course, my feelings is unrequited. He loves Haillee. I sighed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Harry asked. I shook my head and sit at the vacant seat. Harry followed my actions and sit. In the corner of my eye, I saw him searching inside his bag.

"For you." He said and gave me a white rose. I look at him and he is smiling widely at me.

"Thank you. This is for what?" I asked and sniffed the rose.

"For nothing. I want to give you flowers everyday." He cheekily said. I smiled and leaned to kiss his cheeks and whispered.

"Thanks, Harry. It's sweet." I said and put the flower in my bag. He is smiling widely while listening to our first period teacher.

"I swear, Mr. Styles, if you don't stop smiling I'll let you out." The teacher said. I giggled.

"There's no rules in our school that you can let out the student if they were smiling. I just can't help it, Miss. I'm sorry." He said. The teacher smiled and shook her head.

"Miss Gomez, please stop giggling and ask your boyfriend to stop smiling. It distract me. Anyways, back to the lesson." She said. I poked Harry's side and he looked at me.

"Stop smiling." I said. He shook his head.

"Kiss me first, I'll stop." He said. I look at him in disbelief and he returned it with a grin.

"Fine." I said and kiss him slightly. He smiled at the kiss.

"Much better." He said. I giggled and focused back to our teacher. I can't help but smile. He really is a cutie. But he wasn't mine. He belongs to someone who doesn't love him back. I don't want to admit it orally but I was hurt. I saw him smiles when Haillee's reciting, saw him with furrowed brows when Haillee and Gabe were PDA-ing, saw him mad when he was jealous. Sometimes, I do wish that he is like that to me. Yes, he's overprotective over me coz I'm his best friend as he label us. Just a best friend. I feel my heart clench and my eyes water. I take in a deep breath and continue to work on the worksheet our teacher gave. I wish someday Harry will have a feelings for me. But like I said, I want to love a person even that person didn't return it back. I don't know yet if I love Harry but I sure do like him. I'm not gonna lie about it coz it's the complete fact.

"I'll pick you up at 8, later. Wear something formal. We are going on a best friend date." He whispered. I looked at him and smiled.

"Okay, Styles. Be handsome for me." I said.

"I will. Impress me, Gomez." He said and kiss my cheeks. My face reddens and he quietly chuckled.

"I hate you." I said. He cocked an eyebrow at me. Just to remind you we're still whispering.

"I know you like me." He proudly said. I scoffed and continue my work. I can't wait for tonight. Even though, it is just a friendly date, if Harry is in it. I feel those butterflies, chills, and everything. And I know it will be an amazing night.

A/n: How was it? Ready for the dat--- I mean, friendly date for the next chapter 😉. Comment and Vote 😁😄.



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