15. End Of The Day

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"Selena, can I borrow a pencil? I forgot to bring one and I thought I have one." Harry said. I nodded and fished for my pencil case to get a spare pencil.

"Thanks, babe." He cheekily said. I nodded and went back to the quiz that our teacher gave. After the fair last week, Harry was so sweet and romantic around me coz Haillee's around. I just don't get why he need to do those coz obviously Haillee was looking and didn't mind it. I feel sad for this guy, he keeps loving but his feelings are unrequited, same as mine. Every end of the day, I feel myself falling harder and harder for him and I can't help myself to stop.

"Did you know that we need to pass the paper soon, right?" Harry asked. I looked at him and nodded.

"I'm on the last number on the last page, Harry. Don't worry." I truthfully said. He nodded and stood up to pass his paper when he got back, he sighed.

"I hope I pass that test." He prayed. I look at him and sighed.

"Don't lose hope, H. We studied yesterday, right? That'll be alright." I said and pass my paper. I saw him with his head duck down.

"My mom will ground me for 2 weeks if I did not pass those." He groaned. I smiled.

"Don't worry, you'll pass. I promise cross my heart." I said. He smiled and leans to kiss my cheeks making my heart beat fast.

"You look cute when blushing. I must kiss you everyday." He said. I chuckled.

School ends in just a matter of hours. I feel like my whole day was rushed. I sighed while getting my books. I just notice that sighing becomes my daily mannerism.

"You're in a deep thought." Harry said. Of course, like I told you over those months I am used to his voice.

"Yeah. By the way, my mom already bought a ticket for America. You're coming right?" I asked nervously.

"Of course, wouldn't miss my girlfriend's opportunities." He said. I smiled, but inside I was hurt coz he's calling me his girlfriend but I am not whether I really like to be one.

"Good. Coz my dad seriously won't allow me to travel on my own." I said while were walking to his car. He nodded and open the car door for me.

"Can we go somewhere first? I'm bored." He said. I nodded and text my mom that me and Harry were going somewhere.

After a couple of minutes, his car came into a halt. I look around and saw a bakery.

"Why are we here?" I asked. He open the door for me as I got out.

"This is the place where I work a few years ago." He said and open the door for me.

"Harry!" An old woman said. Harry smiled and hugged her. She pinch Harry's cheeks and I couldn't help myself to giggle.

"Oh, where are your manners, Harry. Who's this?" She asked.

"This is Selena. My friend." He said. I smiled slightly. I was happy he introduces me to her but I was sad too that he calls me only his friend. But I am fooling myself, he likes Haillee not me.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I said. I was caught off guard when she hugs me. I hugged back and after a couple of seconds we pulled apart.

"Oh, find a seat Harry. I'll serve the both of you. It'll be free." She nicely said. Harry nodded and we sit at the close by seat.

"She's nice." I started a conversation.

"Really, nice." He replied. I nodded.

"I book a flight three days before your early orientation. I'm so proud of you, Sel." He said and smiled.

"Do you imagine that we were now best friends but before that were like cat and dog chasing each other's tail?" I asked. He chuckled.

"I really find it ridiculous." He said.

"I remember how I despise you so much that I literally think of how will I chop your head's off. I really despise you so much. Thinking your name make me curse." I said. He chuckled.

"Do you still despise me?" He asked. I shook my head.

'Actually, I like you.' My mind says. Only I have a courage to say that.

"Just a tiny bit." I said while showing him how tiny it is.

"Okay, try that blueberry cake. That was the most delicious blueberry cake I've ever tasted." He said. I sliced a bit and taste it and he was right. It is really great.

"I love it." I exclaimed. We eat in a comfortable silence and bid our goodbyes to the owner of this bakery. He drove me back to my house and open the car door for me.

"So, see you tomorrow." He said and leans to kiss my cheeks. I feel my cheeks heat up and wave him an awkward goodbye. He drove away immediately and I open the front door.

"Sel, do you have any idea what the hell time is it now?!" Louis exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"I texted mom." I simply said.

"Yeah, and you didn't text me. It's freaking 11 in the evening!" He said.

"Lower your tone, Louis. I was safe and I was with Harry so don't worry." I said. He sighed and motion for me to come to him.

"I'm just worried, Sel. I don't want you to get hurt." He said while hugging me.

"I know, Lou. I know." I said and we pulled apart. I go upstairs and change into some comfy clothes and lay down. Harry really got me mad. Mad in falling hard for him. Every end of the day, I was falling and it is too much for my likeness. It would be so heartbreaking when he gets Haillee. I think I can't handle it. As much as I want to stop myself, I can't. I was falling to deep, fast and dumb that I didn't realize I might get hurt at the end of the day. That I will be so depressed. That I will be out of my mind when the day he finally gets what he wants. That I will tell to myself that I was so dumb that I let myself fall.


It was worth it. Every second of it. Every hour that he makes me laugh, every moment we are together. I need to treasure it. I need to keep it coz that's the only thing he done for me every end of the day.

A/n: How was it? Comment and vote 👍😃. Ilysm, guys! 😘😘



Faking It || Harlenaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें