"I'm finish." I said and Harry look up. He was wearing a white V-neck shirt too, his tattoos was seen through it, his famous tight jeans that I feel like his legs were suffocated already, a green beanie and a black trench coat. His favorite white sneakers. I grab my handbag on the counter as Harry locked the door and we head out.

After hours of driving which the clocks read 10:45. A little late since there was a light traffic. Harry parked at the parking space and we immediately got down. He held my hand firmly while were crossing a sea of people. We were on somewhat a private place. Justin Bieber was performing Cold Water. After an hour (11:45)....

"Having fun?" He asked. I nodded.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Harry." I said and hug him. Minutes pass by, people start counting down.







"Selena, don't forget to wish your parents, Happy New Year later, okay?" He said loudly since the chants were loud.


He looked at me and I stared into his green eyes. When we meet eyes, the whole place slows down. Only the sound of people counting down was heard.



Harry cups my cheeks and pulls me closer by gripping my waist.

"1!" He whispered before he connects our lips together. Fireworks were the only thing I heard. The whole sound were on mute. The whole thing stop and only me and Harry kissing only matters to me. The kiss lasted for a couple of minutes and we both smiled.

"Happy New Year, Sel! Great new year I've ever had." He whispered and peck my lips again.

"Me too, Harry." I said and he hug me tightly. I hugged him back like my whole life depend on him.

"What do you want? You know, as a new year's gift." He said while scratching his nape.

"No, I don't want anything, Haz. You bringing me here was enough. You've spent too much money on me already." I pleaded. He smiled and hugged me.

"What?" I chuckled while he was hugging me for dear life.

"Nothing. You really are precious. Any man will have you was so lucky." He whispered a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Okay, you're getting sappy there. Don't want you to be sappy the whole year. That would be an utter shit if you became one. Because honestly speaking, that is not you." I joked as he laughed. Eyes crinkled with joy, lips turning into a wide grin and dimples poking out.

"Come on. We need to celebrate at the hotel." He said. I nodded as he intertwine our hands while we're walking back to his car.

We came at the hotel laughing about the guy who has a bald gaur on seven eleven.

"Did you saw his hair? It's very shiny." I said while I'm trying to contain my laughter.

"He's so bald like you can see you're reflection in it." He said and laugh harder. I join him after minutes, our laughter dies down.

"Well, I was wrong about some things about you. You criticize people." He said while looking directly to my eyes.

"Only the people who deserved to be criticized. I mean, it's fun to judge someone sometimes, but it is still bad." I said. My phone dings and I look at the caller.

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