I understood where he was coming from...especially with the older generation like Grandma who didn't like the idea of Humans knowing about us.

"What about H?" I asked, "You telling her?"

"I don't think I will."

"Really?" I asked genuinely shocked."

Well my mate's sensitive...I don't want her to take anything personally...I told her only mates tell humans about Weres, if she finds out Mariah found out from just any Were she'll more than likely get in her feelings about you or Tommy or anyone really not telling her sooner."

Funnily enough I knew he was right. "How perceptive a mate you've become Cuz."

He chuckled, "I'm trying..."

I smirked, "Thanks B...I'll tell everything from the beginning and make sure she knows the importance of keeping the secret."

"No problem...has she said why she left?"

"Hold on." I said as I muted the phone in an attempt to pretend to take another call.

I really didn't know if Mariah wanted people to know her business. I decided to let her keep it to herself at least until I get the green light to tell him. "Hey Brax you still there?"

"Yep, you good?"

"Yeah...damn telemarketers...as for your question, no she hasn't said anything...I think she's probably hurt thinking I'm keeping secrets from her...I'm sure if I open up about us she'll open up too."

"Good, because my mate is worried about her and your mate is worried about you being away."

I smiled, "I'll text H Mariah's number so she can call or text her if she wants...and Vance never has to worry about anything when it comes to me."

"Good, well we miss you so come home soon."

I could hear the small order in his words but I didn't get that urge to obey and smiled knowing that I could ultimately leave when I actually felt like it.

"Will do...in the mean time I'll work over here and please do me a favor, jack on Vance...he's already starting physical therapy and I just don't want him to push himself too hard too fast...he'll only end up hurting himself and with no wolf..."

"You got cuz, don't worry about us back here...and try and have some fun while you're out there, you deserve it." He said, we said our goodbyes and I made my way back to the table.

"Sorry I took so long, I had to call Vance and check in with Brax." I admitted.

She shrugged, "it's cool...I'm all done so you wanna head to the beach?"

"I swear everyone out here is gorgeous." I said as I watched a trio of people laughing as one had to jump into the ocean to retrieve their stray volleyball.

There were so many bodies of various sizes and colors all on display out here and I loved it.

"You get use to it." Mariah sounded boredly as a rather muscular man walked passed us, he winked and I smiled, Mariah on the other hand simply rolled her eyes and then she sighed heavily and let her body fall back against the sand. "I think Patrick fucked me up for other guys."

I chuckled a little, "it's just one of the many things that comes along with being someone's mate, other guys don't come off as hot because your mate is perfection in comparison."

She shook her head, "I hate that I miss him so much...all I want is to be back at home with my mom and hanging out with him." She began to tear up.

I could see why she drank so much now, having to be away from them unwillingly was tearing her up inside.

"Patrick should've come for you after you left!" I said angrily.

She shrugged, "I said some pretty shitty stuff when I left, of course I didn't mean any of it...I just needed him to let me leave so I said what I had to."

I understood now, there's no way a male Were would just willingly let his mate leave his side, especially after seeing that two of his friends were so viciously attacked. So I couldn't even imagine what Mariah would've told him to just let her walk away. I also knew she wouldn't tell me.

That night we went back to The bar where Mariah's cousin bartended, the place was crowded.

Mariah and I grabbed some drinks, danced a little and ignored the drunk guys who tried hitting on us.

We ended up driving ourselves back to Mariah's place since she only had one beer as she said she wasn't really in the mood.

"I'm gonna go to bed." Mariah announced as we entered the house.

I nodded, "do you have a laptop I can borrow, I need to email my parents."

She shook her head, "why don't you just call them?"

If I talk to them I might want to go back sooner." I confessed.

This was my first time truly away from home and I was beginning to grow homesick.

She smiled softly, "I don't have my laptop on me, but if you want you can use my brothers computer in the garage."

"Why does he keep his computer in the garage?"

She went on to explain how when they moved he converted their car space into an office. I bid her a good night and then made my way into the impromptu office.

It wasn't as bad as I was thinking.

I turned on the computer and thankfully there was no password needed. I pulled up the Internet browser but it was taking forever.

I sat back and watched the screen load, I pulled out my phone and checked it, I was a little hurt that Vance hadn't bothered texting me after our conversation earlier. If I was being honest with myself, his comments and earlier tone had hurt me...Vance has never so much as been mad at me so to suddenly hear him lash out was off putting.

I turned when I heard the sound of the same door I had just walked through, opened.

"Oh I didn't know anyone was in here."

It was Mariah's older brother Frank.

"I'm sorry, I just need to email someone...or rather try to email someone." I noted, "your connection kind of sucks."

He smirked before walking over, "here let me see."

But instead of him telling me how to fix it he simply placed his left hand on the back of the chair while his right hand took over the mouse, his head was now right next to mine as we both looked at the screen.

Ultra aware of the situation I grew nervous.

This mans cologne smelled amazing, and if I turned my head to the right I would end up kissing his cheek, that's how close we were in that moment.

"There." He said with a smile as I awkwardly sat as still as possible. "Could you hand me that manila folder please, I really shouldn't have left that just lying around."

I nodded my head and picked up the thick folder with both hands as I didn't want to drop anything from within, but when he grabbed the folder his long fingers brushed my own.

It was subtle but I couldn't deny that I definitely felt some sort of way about these actions.

'Did he have to get so close on the computer?'

'Did he purposely reach out to touch me?'

Only I didn't have my wolf to talk to anymore so the wondering concerns were only just that.

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