30.Is It Possible?

Começar do início

Oh God. I have her phone.

Finally, Kira sighed,"Okay, I believe you. I would say I'm sorry about that night but we shouldn't have this locket with us now."

Kira was about to head back when I remembered. "Kira, I need the locket."

"Oh, sorry."

Kira handed me the locket and I putted inside my back pocket. We both headed back to the living room to see them all into a deep conversation.

"Hey, glad you're here." Scott said. "Okay, now that everyone is actually here, let's start the pack meeting."

Scott was standing and looked like the boss. Well, he is but more like the leader not boss. "So, before we get started with this crap, please welcome Malia to her first pack meeting."

Scott motioned her to stand up. Mlia looked kind of awkward and Kira clapped but then it disappeared into the air when no one followed her lead. "Everyone, give her a hand."

Unfortunately, that's what people say to tell you to clap but as me, I actually gave her a hand. I reached out and gave her my hand and she just looked at it, while everyone was still clapping and stop when they knew what was happening.

She sat back down and Scott once again, told her to stand up. "Can you introduce yourself?"

Her face was red and she cleared her throat. "Hi, my name is Malia Tate. I'm a were-coyote. I live with my dad. My mom's actually the Dessert Wolf and she wants to kill me. What else? I love Tumblr so much! I'm actually horrible at math. I'm actually here because of Lydia. What else? Oh, and Damon Salvatore is bae! Thank you!"

Everyone was stunned and clapped. Allison raised her eyebrows. "Wow, welcome. And I actually do agree that Damon is bae!"

Malia smiled. "Thanks."

Did Allison just said that? Am I hallucinating?

"Okay, let's now start this meeting!"


Scott sat down in the great arm chair. Wow, he looks like a boss from an office.

Scott told Kira to go on with her story. What happened to her actually?

"So, my point of view is not that long. Well, it happened yesterday after the hangout with Stiles and Lydia. Stiles was going to give me a ride but his Jeep once again died. I went to go get my car from the school parking lot while he was fixing it. When I was finally there, I opened the door and then I heard this rattling sound and I just couldn't ignore it. I took my belt out and was looking around. Suddenly, I heard this hissing sound and I turned around and found this lizard thing with slime. Oh, gosh...I--I can't talk--Stiles..."

I saw Kira telling Stiles to tell us the rest. Ugh, I don't know about them. I still have this feeling they're not together. And yet, if I found out they're really not, why could I have been stupid enough to fall for it? Again.

"So, I will be saying the rest," Stiles said. "Kira was fighting the creature. Right?"--Kira nodded--"And I remember she told me that the Fox inside her took control."

"The fox?" Isaac asked.

Kira breathed, "Long story. I'll tell you some other time."

"Anyway, " Stiles continued. "A few minutes later, I found her lying there. I tried to wake her up for like about two minutes. Also, I found her shoulder with the greenish slime, so."

Stiles finished and Kira looked sick. I think is because she doesn't want to talk about the slime the creature was spitting on her shoulder.

"I never want to feel that thing ever come to me. You hear me? Ever." Kira said. Yep, it's definitely because of the slime.

I'm Here For You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora