End of the begining

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12:43am est
July 25 2018
Artemis's P.v

Richard tightens the grip he laid on my hand. He was afraid, so was everyone.
I look over to Wally, it's almost like I can see his mind wandering through infinite amount of worry. He's afraid too. It's happening again. We can't afford to lose this time. Wally catches me staring and sends me a sympathetic smile. I'm greeted by my best friend again, the most comforting sight I can think of. The emeralds share each secret I've ever told which is why I can trust them.
"It'll be okay" he whispers.
I look down at my hand intertwined with Richards. I hear Batman updating on us on our soon to be mission. 
As soon as he said it my mind zoned out.
The Reach is back.
"Multiple chrysalis's have been located within the earth's crust. I believe we can beat them again if we put our minds to it"
"Neptune's beard! At what cost can we beat them Batman? Last time we lost one of our founding members. We're lucky to have him back!" La'gonn yells.
"Yes we did but we were untrained against them. We have fought them once, we can do it again"Bats says
"Wait, Batman why have they come back?" Cass asks putting her hands on her hips.
"We don't quite know" he answers

One hour later
Central city
Artemis P.V

Lex Corp agreed to "help" the justice league with the invasion once again.
We all know what's going to happen. Our work is sloppy you can tell by how the justice league is fighting, there's no way the Justice league can win this fight without losing someone, at least this time we have the missing leaguers. The sky is a light pastel pink and the air is a heavy wet cloud that has been left on our shoulders weighing us with exhaustion. I watch as M'gann smashes two of the robot things protecting the chrysalis together, using her powers.
I ready my bow, preparing myself to take down the last robot.
I feel the rough material of the handle focusing on that. I draw an arrow from my quiver and let it fly. The arrow hits the robot and it falls to the ground being electrified.Wally dashes over to the chrysalis and places the blue egg on the side of it. I walk over to Wally and M'gann, once the chrysalis has fallen to the ground. My gut is full of worry for Richard if he's okay. We head to Star city to help GA and Roy with their chrysalis, apparently it's the last one. Which doesn't surprise me because GA is such a distraction for Roy to handle which is one the the reasons Roy dropped being a sidekick and decided to be his own man. If you ask me I think that it was my sister who told him to leave GA because her "man" wore a skirt for his uniform and a Peter Pan hat.

Star city
Artemis P.V

We arrive in Star city. The sky is cold and grey It feels like it is about to rain and to my surprise, it does. Wally, M'gann and I step out of the Bio ship greeted by an abandoned Star city.
"No one's here"M'gann remarked as he she levitated above the city.
"Ah!" Wally squealed throwing something on the ground.
"What was that?" I ask.
M'gann lowered herself back to the ground.
"My intercom,it just bugged out!" Wally explained.
I picked it off the ground and switched mine out with his.
"Hello?"I say expecting no answer.
Though my answer was a vomiting GA
"Nope, everything's fine, it's just GA" I say rolling my eyes at the circumstances.
"Waz wondrn when you'd answer blondie" GA greets in his usual slurred voice.
"Wait, where's the chrysalis?!"I ask surprised
"Oh! that old thing? haven't seen it for awhile. he giggled. chiild why are you troubled?" He asks.
"Is the chrysalis dead!?" I ask ,hope filling me
"Guess so"answers
"They told me to tell you that they are in the watchtower" he says.
"Who are"they"?" I ask flipping my hair on to my shoulder.
"They are the Jusstice league, kiddo" GA slurs with enthusiasm .
And so we set off in the bio ship.
Wally, M'gann and I. Back to the watchtower we go. Multiple times I had almost vomited on the way there. My stomach was turning with anxiety. Why had the invasion not lasted as long? Why are we being sent back to the watchtower?

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