
30 2 0

1:02am est
Central city
June 22nd 2018
Wally P.v

Lightning lit up the motel room. It was storming outside.i remember how Nelson always acted when it was storming like this.he'd run around the house howling Artemis would alway have to hold him in her lap. It was cute.
The motel room wasn't that great but it's all I could afford with the leftover change that was in my coat pocket.
So here I am sitting in a motel room with someone I had absolutely no feelings for.
I'd much rather spend the night with the girl I actually loved.
I wanted to cry I wanted to cry so much.This whole situation was awful
The woman I love is seeing my brother while I'm here empty in the company of Linda's.
I wish that everything could go back to normal And our plans could still happen I wish I could go home to Artemis. I wish I never found that picture of them. I wish I didn't punch Dick. I wish I didn't call Linda. I wish I wasn't here.
I looked down at my hands and they were empty.
The spaces between my fingers are right where her fit perfectly.
I pull out the small treasure from this morning out of my pocket.
The velvet was welcoming to the touch.
I look Down at the small black velvet box and open it.there it was the thing that was going to change our relationship forever.
It was a diamond ring with a sliver band.I was going to purpose after the invasion. I took the small ring out of the box to examine it.i wonder what it would looked like on her perfect finger.i wonder what our relationship could've been.
I also wonder if I were to come back would she forgive me?
I missed her so much.I  also remember how every Wednesday we would always rent a awful movie and we would make fun of it together.One night Dick and I created a movie for Artemis. It was Some movie she had told me about back in Bialia expect it was staring M'gan,Dick and I. M'gan shape shifted to be Artemis in the movie and I played the ninja boyfriend while Dick played all the extras. It was a great movie.Artemis loved it.
Linda past out on the bed next to me. I can her breathing and it's not as soothing as Artemis' breathing.
Artemis. I clench the ring in my fingers and put it back in the small velvet box. I shove the box back into my pocket. I shoot out of the uncomfortable place I'd been sitting on on the bed and retrieve my jacket and shoes off of the chair in the corner of the room. I walk over to the door and take one last glance at Linda.there is no way she is waking up anytime soon. I silently exit the motel room and spot my car through the heavy storm.i slip on my shoes and coat managing not getting wet with the protection of the sun roof thing and dash for  my car. I unlock the car and hop in.the loud pitter patter of the rain on the roof was nice to listen to.

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