The other guy

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Very long chapter
2:09am est
Palo Alto
June 22nd 2018
Artemis' P.V

Listening to his voice on the other side of the phone comforted me. I didn't care about what he was saying. I just need to know that someone is still here for me. Well he always has been here for me ever since we were in high school... And when Wally died he became my world. I guess I just took that for granted.
I didn't feel like sitting down I couldn't, I was shaking with anxiety.
So I'm standing in front of a small bookshelf staring at our past.Dick started talking about Wally and I just couldn't listen so I zoned out.He then stated talking about his work and I heard Dick mumble something about being punched but I didn't listen I payed attention to the bookshelf. Dozens of photos haunted me with my past and how good it was before Wally died Before Dick and I started seeing each other. I pressed my hand against my forehead while I held my cellphone to my ear with my other hand.I spotted a picture of Christmas two years ago. We had Dick over that night.That was the night our relationship started.Wally left to get Chinese food Then stuff just happened. This picture was half an hour before Dick kissed me for the first time.
What's happening right now is my fault.
"Artemis?..Are you okay?"his voice rang in my ear.
The answer is no I am definitely no okay.
"Yeah..."I stopped talking for a moment and picked up the awful memory
"Yeah I'm fine"i particularly whisper into the phone. I felt like I was going to cry.
With one more word I would breakdown.
He sighed.
"It's okay Artemis"he said in the most comforting tone.
"I'm here" he continued
At that my heavy heart won and I broke down. I gripped the edge of the bookshelf to support myself.i felt like I'd just been shot in the heart. I am not okay. Everything I have ever had has been ripped away. This was the first time I've cried since the breakup. It felt good to let everything out. After a few minutes of sobbing I managed to put myself together. We started talking about the league and laughed about Aqua man and Ollie.
Then our conversation got serious.
"Artemis"he started
"Uh..." He trailed off
"I'm just gonna say it" he finished
"Okay..."I responded hesitantly
"I've loved you For a very long time...uh I just I love you so much Artemis"
After that I got that feeling that you sometimes get when you are going down a roller coaster... My heart dropped and I felt sick my stomach....I was worried he might say that.
It's not the first time he's said it but it's the first time I think he's actually meant it, and for the first time I think I feel the same way. I'll admit it our relationship was always messy, we never said anything about it because well it would just backfire against us. In the early months of our relationship I knew it wasn't right but Wally was just so distant and I could never talk to him thus I could never officially break up with him. It was like we were strangers. When we were teenagers it was fun I enjoyed his company but as we got older he changed, got more serious, dressed differently every was different then how to was while we were dating.
"I-"I was about to say it back but I was cut off by a knock at the door.
"Dick...I'm sorry I- have to go someone is at the door I'll call you tomorrow
With that I ended the call and walked towards the door. Still clenching my phone in my hand.
I open the door with my free hand and my heart stopped beating my mind shut down then my subconscious took over. We stared at each other. He looked like a reck. He was soaking wet and he look tired then the next thing I knew he was hugging me. The rain beating down hard behind him. Looked like a pretty bad storm. His heat radiated off of him and onto me. His embrace was warm. He smelled the way he always does like cheap perfume. I don't wear perfume. But it felt so good to hug him. I missed him.
At the moment I didn't care what he was doing.i felt safe here.
"I love you"he said
What do I say back?
He just got back from her but I just got off the phone with him.
Do I love Wally or do I love Richard?
Without thinking I replied
"I love you too"
Then he hugged me tighter.
"I love you so much"he said
I look up and saw his face and saw his smile that smile that made any heart melt
And I remembered who he is and what we've been through.
"I love you too"I meant it
I let go of him and grabbed his hand. I lead him in our house and shut the door. He took off his coat and shoes
"I love you"he repeated
"I love you too"I laughed
He stopped and pulled something out of his coat that was rested on the coat tree and my heart skipped another beat.i swear after this week I am Going to have a heart attack.
"Wally?" I asked concerned
He turned too me holding something behind his back.
"Vous nager avec moi á Paris?"
"Wally you do realize you just asked me to swim with you in Paris?"
"Oh"he said blankly
"Well will you come too Paris with me?"
He pulled out what he'd been hiding behind his back and it was two plane tickets to Paris.
"Is that even a question West?"I say sarcasm dripping off of my words.
He smiles my way and places the tickets on the small table near the door and I catch a glimpse of Wally's hands they had blood on them, wait Dick mentioned something about Wally then he said he was punched....he didn't switch the topic. Wally punched Dick.
My mind took over again and I was quickly angered.
"Artemis?"Wally asked
"Why would you do that !"I yell
"Do what?!"Wally yelled confused
"You know what you did damn it!"I yell pointing at his hands. I broke down In Tears for the second time tonight. He looks down at his hands then back to me and his expression faded and his face was left with a angry glare. I clench my phone tighter in my hand.
"How dare you bring him into this!"I yell. He knew I was angry and I didn't care I made up my mind. I can't go to Paris with him. I can't love him.
I made up my mind I chose Richard.
"I'm done Wally I'm leaving...bring Linda with you instead...I can't live with you anymore Wally, you freak out at me for moving on from you when you were seeing some one else the entire time... I loved you Wally I really did"
"I'm done Wally" I say flatly
Then it was silent. I stared at him waiting for him to reply but he didn't.
"My whole world came crashing down on top of me last year, Wally and after months of morning I finally moved on.It was selfish of you too just expect me to drop my life for you-"I was going to end this sentence with the end of our relationship but it's like he read my mind.
"Selfish? Artemis we had everything together...of corse I want that again"
"Wally...ever since you've come back I've finally noticed you've always hid me in the shadows"I clench my fists
"I'm not your dog Wally! I'm sick of following you everywhere!"
"Artemis don't say that"he says disappointingly. He comes closer to me opening his arms. For a hug?. No I'm not letting him trick me again I made up my mind. Screw this!Screw him! I push him away and immediately his expression changed.
"It's true Wally,I left my entire life to move here!"
"You wanted too,it was your idea"he says. This whole conversation he hasn't raised his voice at me. I guess it's weird too him because one day we're together then the next we aren't. For him anyways. For me? He's been gone for a year
"Because Wally,I thought you were the one."As soon as I said that I felt a cloud of relief be lifted from my shoulders.
"But apparently your not!"I yell once again
I took step back and saw his emerald eyes study me. What? What was he going to say.
I huffed and rolled my eyes.
Crossing my arms I find my phone I'd forgotten I was holding. It vibrates then the screen lights up in my hand and I glance down at the text. The message was from Dick I'd text him later. I don't bother to read the text. I look at my Wallpaper. It displayed a picture of Richard and I wearing each others masks. I click the power button and the screen turns off and I remember him and I am filled with a warm sort of feeling.
I walk over to the door while ending this conversation.
"I'm Sorry Wally but your just a person to me now. I have no clue who you are anymore.
I'm leaving...for good."I say
I slip on my black flats I found near the door.
After Wally died I guess I became more into fancy cloths nather than converse because of all of the fancy parties I'd go to with Dick.
I stop and slip my phone in the waist band of my leggings. The cool screen stung my skin and sent a shiver down my spine. i rest my hand on the door knob and look back at him.
"Wait" he says
"I'm sorry"I mumble
I close the door behind me and find myself in the middle of a storm. Both literally and metaphorically.
Damn it. I forgot my coat and I'm wearing a super thin t-shirt. I'm not going back in there. So plan B. I hug myself for warmth and make my way down the long fire escape. Rain beating hard on my shoulders.
I had no clue we would end like this. I had no clue we would end. Once I find myself on the drive way I then make my way too the side walk. The heavy rain hits the ground hard.
I sigh and I can see my breath. It must be at least minus one degree outside. At that realization my mind kicks in and my body starts shaking. My hair is down and it blankets my body. It's wet which against my skin itchy.I look up at the sky seeing the pretty Navy blue and twinkling stars. Rain beats hard on my face. I close my eyes and let the freezing rain hit my face. Maybe I can forget about this forget about him.
Who am I kidding. I can't forget let's face it I don't want to.
I let my mind wander and continue Walking with my eyes closed.
I know it's not the safest thing but really who's going to be driving in a storm at
3:00 am?
I feel like a zombie. I'm drained both emotionally and physically.
I hear a car horn but it doesn't peace together in my mind. It Zoom's right past me splashing me with a tsunami. I stop walking and look down at my now wet self.
I run out onto the road and cuss at the car. It's far ahead of me and I know it can't hear me but I don't care. With the emotional build up inside me I collapse in the middle of the road and fall on my knees. I let my emotions out and start crying. My tears stream down my face and I grip the road for posture. The world falls quiet and there's nothing to hear but my empty sobs and the rain beating hard on the pavement. Until there was something else to hear I quickly get to my feet at the sound of another loud car horn. In shock I go to run but I can't. I can't move. I'm In the middle of the road. A car is coming and I can't move. Is this it? Is this how it ends? I try my hardest to move again struggling to move but I can't. This is it. Isn't it? The car is so close now I can make eye contact with the driver. The driver is a girl around my age with from what I can see black hair. The cars head lights show case the mist of the water evaporating. Then the car stops and I regain strength. I reach my hand out and I can touch the front bumper of the car. It's so close. I smiled at the diver
"Sorry" I whisper and dart back onto the sidewalk.
Finding myself on the side walk I stop my destination a few paces ahead.
A bus stop. I watch the car continue its journey
Little did I know it's journey wasn't far at all. The cars journey ended in his driveway.
The car stopped and the black haired girl stepped out of it.
Damn! Thats her. That's Wally's...girlfriend. Anger immediately ran through me and I felt the urge to run over there and punch her in the face. But then I remember that's not my life anymore. I'm not Wally's girlfriend anymore. I'm not his anything.
I look away tears threatening to to fall. I take a shaky breath.
I have two choices.
Go over there and punch her in the face and beg for forgiveness from Wally
Or continue my journey to the bus stop.
I stand on the sidewalk drenched in my own emotions debating my choices.
I wonder if she can see me? I wonder if she'll tell Wally that she almost ran me over?
I wonder if Wally will freak out at her?
No. I can't go back. He didn't love me and that's obvious. I mean it's been what ten minutes? And he's already called her over! I can't go back. What's done is done.
I take another shaky breath and fix my eyes on bus station. There is a bus at 3:30am every day to Gotham it's a 12 hour drive but it's better than staying here.
I hug myself again for warmth seeing how the rain is just beating down harder.
I continue to walk making my way to the bus stop.
I rest my hand on the glass wall thing of the bus stop. I step inside and sit down holding the wall worried that I'd fall. I grip the bench with my hands and lean forward. I can see me reflection in a puddle I hadn't noticed my feet were in and quickly moved my feet aside. I look down at my reflection and all I can see is a mess. My hair is a mess and my mascara has run down my face. I look away from the puddle ashamed of what I see. I listen to the rain as I watch his house. The lights turn on and I see their shadows dance across the window.
I don't even know if there's even a word for how I feel right now.
I guess there is actually a word .I feel like shi-
My phone vibrates which shocks me out of my thoughts.
I pull it out of my waist band. The screen lights up and it displays the text from Dick.
I unlock my phone and look at the text. It was a picture of kaldur's feet and Dick captioned the photo "What are those" that brought a smile on my face.
Dick always knows how to lighten up my mood.
I called him I need to hear his voice again.
The phone dialled and it felt like forever until he picked up.
"Hey Artemis I was actually just about call you"he chuckled
There was loud fancy music in the background and washed out conversations.
"I-I know you said you'd call me in the morning...but I just couldn't wait till then my love"he said in a fake British accent.
I blushed and tucked my hair behind my ear.
"Well aren't you lucky.." I laugh
"Could you please pick me up darling" I ask mocking his horrible fake accent.
He's in some Wayne banquet party thing that just happened to be here for some unknown reason. He invited me but I said I wanted to stay home after what happened with Wally.
"What? Aren't you at your house?" He says once again in his fake accent
I'm just going to assume this whole conversation will be British
"I was,but now I'm in the rain.outside." I say
"Where are you?"he asks. Not giving up this whole British thing.
"Well... You remember that bus stop down the road?"
"I believe I do"
"Meet me there?"
"Five minutes?"he asked
"Five minutes"i smirk
He ends the call and I'm left waiting for Bennit Comerbatch.
Moments past and eventually I saw head lights beam from down the road.
The head lights got closer and I was able to make out his fancy black sports car.
I stood up and waited on the side walk the rain pounded hard on my head.
It's still dark outside but there's a street light not to far away. I watch as his car pulled up beside me and a tall raven haired man stepped out. My face lit up and so did his.
He was two steps in front of me and he was wearing a fancy black tux. With his classic messy black hair. Some of his hair was wet and stuck against his face.
And I could see his bright blue eyes.
He smirked and stuffed his hands in his pockets
I looked down at the ground and noticed he was wearing black converse I guess I should be calling him David Tennant. I look back up at him and smiled
"Well.." I say standing on my toes trying to match the height between us.
there's still about six inches.
"Oh.." He said quickly and took off his tux jacket and rested it on my shoulders
I blush and remove the space between us.
By joining him in a hug. Resting my head against his chest. He was stunned but eventually he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. I feel eyes on us. But I shove that feeling away. Because it doesn't matter. Because I love him.
"I love you" I blurt looking up at him. This was the first time I'd said this to him.
He smiles down at me.
"Oh how I've longed to hear that, my love"he says. British.
I pull away and playfully punch him in the chest.
He hugs me tighter and all goes quiet. I forget about Wally. I forget about the league. I forget about everything.
We stayed here for awhile in the rain, under the influence that our love will be forever and I hope that will be true. I'll remember this moment forever.
Thunder booms And Dick takes a step back, grabbing my hand.
"I guess we should be on our way than." He says smirking finally giving up the British thing.
" I guess so." I say taking his hand.
He guides me to the passenger side of the car and opens the door for me.
I blush and sit down he closes the door for me with a wink. I see him walk around the front of the car and open the drivers side door and sit beside me closing the door. I put my seat belt on and so does he.
I have to say this is the most expensive car I've ever been in.
The interior is all black and the radio and all of the buttons light up blue.
I'm not really the best with cars.
He starts the car and drives away. I turn around in my seat and watch my old life disappear down the road. I'm never going back. I found a new life to live.
I look over at him in his seat and he glances over at me.
I guess he's wondering what exactly happened.
"So...what exactly happened"he asks turning his attention back on the road.
What do I say? The real reason I left was because of what Wally did to him. Wally was willing to give up her for me.
"I left"I say flatly
"Okay...but why?" He asks glancing back over at me.
"Because the entire time he was seeing someone else"
I say that because I know he'd beat himself up about the real reason
He raises his eyebrows at that.
"You guys always seemed so happy together" he says not removing his eyes from the road.
"I thought so too "I Say.
" I mean I was" I say looking at him.
"Yeah"he sighs
"Artemis can I just ask one more question?"he says looking at me then back to the road
"Why were you so upset when he died?...I mean you knew about the other girl"
That's a hard one to answer. What do I say?
"Because I was stupid and I fell in love at 15"he was silent at that
"I thought I was going to spend to rest of my life with him..but I was wrong"
He glances at me again
"So that begs the question...did you really love him"
"That's two questions,Grayson" I smirk
He smiles
"But really...did you love him?"
"I did but.. I was stupid.and two years ago my heart
was stolen by a very dreamy guy"
"Yeah"he say sarcastically and full of himself
"Who's this dreamy guy?"he asks
"La'gonn" I say sarcastically
"Oh..."he says sarcastically
"So..where exactly are we headed?"
"Well we've got a few options"
"Back to the Banquet,Dinner and a show, a movie or back to Blüdhaven"he says non chalantly
"Well...seeing how I look like this" I gustier to myself
"I don't think your rich friends will approve"I continue
"What rich friends?"he asks
"Artemis it's only the snobs from Gotham Academy"
"Like that's any better"I state
"Come on they're not that bad besides you look beautiful"
I blush..
maybe I should just get my cheeks coloured pink...because if I'm going to be in a relationship with Richard I'm almost always going to be blushing.
The car was quiet after that. Both of us were satisfied with the situation.
"So...uh Artemis...its cool if I call you my girlfriend...right?"
I look over at him and smirk
"Yes Grayson it's cool" I say
He smiles and fixes his eyes on the road
"So...Blüdhaven?"he asks
"I suppose" I say
It was quiet after that and I remember how I treated him at Star Labs. I felt guilty I completely left him For Wally and now he's here not Wally. I look over at him Guilty.
He's eyes meet mine
"What?"he smiles
"I'm sorry"I say holding my arm
"For what?" he asks looking back to the road.
"For what happened at Star Labs" I say looking down at my lap. I felt ashamed to look him in the eyes.
" doesn't matter to me, you missed him, and as long as your happy I'm happy" He says staring at me.

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