The plan

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~Sorry... Short chapter~

Fifteen minutes Later
Bio ship
June 20th 2018
Nightwing's P.v

The Bio ship was quiet maybe to quiet awkward even.I hadn't told the team the reason why we are flying to Star labs in Central City....if Zoom is lying ugh I don't even know....I ordered Artemis not to come as I said before,her emotions are always all over the battle field,I would never dream of putting anyone life at risk,with possibility of us getting Wally back....I just can't risk it.she protested and begged but I just couldn' that's why she's not here.
I looked around the quiet crowded Bio ship Miss Martian was controlling the ship while Blue Beetle,Beast boy,Super girl,Super Boy,Kid Flash,Bumble Bee,Robin,Lagoon boy and I. Sat in our chairs.
Everyone was all lost in they're own thoughts like me.
"I'm just going to ask what we're all thinking"Super boy began,turning his chair facing towards me.
"Why exactly are we going to STAR LABS?"
Of all questions why did he have to ask that one? So I began leaving out Wally.
"As you all saw Prossfer Zoom contacted us previously tonight all he said was that he had something of ours and if we want it back we have to fight..."I trailed off knowing this wasn't convincing any of them.Conner gave me a blank expression and began speaking.
"Look...Wing I don't know how else to say this but...thats a big load of-"
Conner had started but got cut off my M'gan pretending to cough.ever since they broke up Conner had started the habit of swearing,only because he knew M'gan hated it.cruel If you'd ask me but he had his reasons.its not like M'gan didn't do anything because Conner hated it ether,though its not my place to say this about they're 'prefect' relationship.
"CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE STOP ARGUING"with a raised voice super girl turned around in her chair and glared at both of us.
Then it was silent for Cassie's sake. everyone sat drowning in they're own thoughts moments passed moment that felt like hours.
Until M'gan ended those precious silent moments by announcing our arrival.
The bio ship slowed and she landed us in he empty parking lot beside STAR LABS.
Once we landed each of as stepped out of the Bio ship one by one,entering the abandoned Parking lot.
The team and I gathered only steps a way from the ship.
"So what exactly is the plan amego"in his regular Mexican tone blue beetle asked,
They all wore they're uniforms.all watching me waiting for what must be an answer.
"MissM camo the Bio ship."
she nodded and reached her hand towards the ship and in a second the ship disappeared.
I explained to them the squads they will be soon enough.
Blue beetle, Robin, and Bumble bee,will be beta
Super girl, Lagoon boy,Beast boy and Kid flash,will be gamma
Superboy,Miss M and I,will be Alpha
And then I began with the plan.
"Beta your job will be obtaining security,you will use the security cameras in the security office and notifi us if trouble is near notifi us using a telepathic link Miss Martian will provide,tell us when you obtain your station. you will be our eyes and ears of the mission your running the show."
"Gamma you will stay to the side lines sticking closely behind Alpha out of sight but if anything goes wrong you will have to fight Zoom."they all looked at each other with worried glances
"Alpha we will be sneaking in to Professor Wells office and taking what is ours if we get caught that's where Gamma comes in.this will all be done covert is that clear"
they all nodded and we abandoned the empty parking lot and left our separate directions.

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