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One hour later.
Star labs
June 20th 2018
Nightwings P.V
I looked down at my now bloody gloves that wrapped perfectly around my figures.
All I could feel was Unsettlement like my heart was being pulled at. I felt sorry.
My plan my fault.
I looked down at the small blood pool surrounding us.
Where was Gamma?where was Beta?Where was anyone?where was i?
So young and filled with so much potential now that potential is gone,
I've know him his entire life.
I looked at him,blood flowing out of his mouth.his eyes were tried,his chest rose and fell slowly,he's still breathing but that's not going to last very long. He'd already lost to much blood.he's not going to make it.he's not going to make it home.i turn my head slightly seeing M'gan fighting one of Zoom's thugs not noticing the state her beloved is in. Conner.
"H-hey.."I looked down at him,I was kneeling right beside him I wasn't going to leave.
like himself now his gaze was week.
"Conner...."I began softly"
"No...I know what your going to say"his voice was still strong.
"Your going to apologize....don't bother" he began again
"It's not your fault that I'm here"he lifted his arm just barely to gesture to his state.
"I know why you sent us on this mission...I....was going back to apologize about our fight Earlier and over heard.....if my sacrifice brings us just a little closer to getting  Wally back....I'll do it...for her...I can't bare seeing her everyday...she needs him....you guys are my family....all my life I've wandered what my purpose is and I think I found it...
It kills me every time I see her ....it makes me feel guilty like I could've done something that day.if my sacrifice means making Artemis happy again I'll do it I'll do it for her"
I grabbed Conners hand and held it tight. It was bloody it soaked through my gloves and I felt the warm liquid on my skin.i looked over at M'gan she'd finally noticed and rushed over.once she stood beside us I saw her face,her eyes were trembling and her jaw dropped.i saw the sadness in her eyes the same look Artemis had on her face when Wally died.she fell by his side kneeling like me
"CONNER!....NO,!"M'gan desperately Cried slamming her hands against the now red Tile floor.
"NO NO NO NO NO!"she was Hunched over and crying.Poor M'gan all she has on earth now is gone. it took her a while to cool down but once she did she whipped the tears away from her face and crawled closer to Conner.she grabbed his free hand and rested it in her lap,running her fingers up and down the rough bloody skin on his.
She mumbled the same words over and over
"Please please please please please" and ever so often she'd end the pattern with
"Don't go"she was quiet for a while until she finally spoke again
"Conner..."she was still running her fingers through his.
"Please....you can't leave....Conner please"
she was still sobbing while her hair covered her face.then the room fell silent.i wanted to say something to M'gan but I decided to remain quiet keeping her now shattered peace of mind intact until she finally breaks coming to the conclusion of that she will never see her Conner again that after these few moments are her last with him. he will never come back to see her again that just like his,her life vision of them together isn't going to happen,that these little moments are all she has left of him now.
"Conner....I love you"this time I could tell,she really did love him.
His chest was rising less frequently.the room was quiet now M'gan wasn't crying anymore.the consent ticking of the watch that Babs gave me for my 17th birthday was all I wanted to concentrate on.the watch itself was mate black,the hands and numbers were sliver.
"Miss Martian ...we don't have much more time"
Conner must have lost the ability to speak ether that or he doesn't know what to say.maybe I'll say it for him.so here it goes...
"Miss Martian he loved you,and right now that's all that matters.but don't think that his sacrifice is meaningless.i lied to you and the rest of the team,I know what we're here for. We're here retrieving an old teammate.Conners sacrifice brings us a step closer to getting him back.professor zoom found him bloody and bruised and for what ever reason Zoom is helping him.Zoom said that he is ready to come home,I was selfish and put the teams life's in danger by making them come here and fight.Wally is in that room."
Then it was silent again occasionally Conner would moan but that was all
I watched Conners chest,now it was rising in unison with the constant ticking of my watch.
It wasn't rising as frequently anymore.M'gan's tears would fall on his chest on the big "S" that symbols Hope. I guess that's what he was, Hope. While I was thinking about this I hadn't realized but his chest wasn't rising anymore ,staying as still as possible and I don't think M'gan hadn't realize either.Conner is dead.
I look up at M'gan,her eyes were blood shot now, tears weren't coming out of her eyes though she just stared at the "S"  probably thinking the same thing I was.Hope.
"M'gan..."I said as I looked up to her with sorrow in my eyes.
"We need to go."
She looked at me and nodded her head
I stood up quickly but M'gan was stuck in what looked like a trance.she looked like she was moving in slow motion like she was in those old video games or like she was a robot.but she soon caught up to my pace. I felt bad about leaving Conner behind but I won't let his sacrifice go meaningless.we need to continue.the walk was long but it only felt like five steps.each minute felt like an hour hours that quickly turned into a day.i looked at M'gan and how her eyes were glued to the floor.then I look down at my own hands and how my black gloves had blood on them,then I looked back at Conner while I continued walking.i looked back at ground In front of me.the tile floor was white and surprisingly clean.then I looked up and saw the door we were soon going to arrive at.and how my life could completely change just by opening it.how much my life has all ready changed in the past half hour. We stopped in front of the door,only inches away.i could hear m'gans breath as she slowly exhaled.i reached my hand out to the handle of the door gripping the handle as tight as I could.i was worried but excited and afraid at the same time.i slowly and nervously preyed the door open to reveal what seemed to be an empty room.M'gan and I walked in slowly unaware of what might happen.
"M'gan could you set a telepathic link up?"
She nodded and touched her hands to her forehead and her irises disappeared and were replaced with the familiar Red glow of telepathy. she removed her fingers from her head then nodded and her eyes were returned to her welcoming hazelnut shade.
"Team, meet us at lab 876 on level 2, we found something. Hurry" the link was quiet and I was left worried wondering if they were alright.
"Relax Wing we're fine and on our way"Tims voice comforted me. Thats the thing about telepathy they can hear whatever you think.
"Copy that we're on our way"Kf repeated.
Then I was left with M'gan and this empty room.

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