Chapter 17

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*Dalton's P.O.V*

"Dalton, what's up?" Luci said, lifting my chin, forcing me to stare into her eyes.

"Okay, you have to promise you wont be mad at me for not telling you." I said, looking anywhere but into her eyes.

"I," she paused, "I promise." She said, once again picking up my chin forcing me to look into her eyes.

"So, you know my ex girlfriend, Kasey?" I said, hoping she would say no and move on.

"Yea, the one you dated before you met me, right?" She said, playing with her pant leg.

"Uh, yea her." I said.

'Damn she remembered.' I thought to myself.

"Well, what about her?" She said, losing patience.

"Well, about 4 months into our relationship, I got her pregnant." I paused, noticing the shocking look on Luci's face. "Well, when she was about 7 months, she went into labor and had a stillborn. After that she broke up with me, and we never talked again." I said, throwing my head back and hitting the wall.

*Luci's P.O.V*

I sat in shock. Not knowing how to react.

Should I be pissed?



My hormones were going off the wall.

We sat for a good ten minutes in silence, unti lI finally got up.

Dalton noticed and grabbed my wrist, jerking me back.

"Sorry babe! You scared me, I didn't mean to pull you, I'm so sorry!" He said, he reminded me of Tyler at that moment.

I jerked my wrist out of his grip and ran into our room, slamming and locking the door.

"Babe!" He shouted, chasing after me.

"Dalton, leave me alone for now!" I shouted.

I laid in bed, closing my eyes.

About a half hour later I woke up to my phone ringing.

I looked at the caller ID, when I saw Rachel's name I quickly answered it.

"What's up buttercup?" I said, trying to act perky.

"We need to talk." She said, showing no emotion.

"Where?" I said, throwing on my shoes.

"Meet me at our spot." She said, hanging up.

'Our Spot'

Our little hideout in the woods that no one knew about.

Except Dalton, that's our spot too.

Everything happened there.

Our first date, our first time.

But that was mainy mine and Rachel's 'thinking' spot.

*15 minutes later*

I walked through the woods, stepping into an open field of flowers, trees, and a bunny hopping across the field.

"Rachel!" I yelled.

"Over here!" She shouted, running towards me.

"What's wrong?" I said, sitting on my purple beach chair.

She sighed sinking into her bright red one.

"Rachel?" I said, squinting my eyes from the sun.

*Rachel's P.O.V*

I sat there, thinking of how to tell Luci.

"Dana, tried something with me." I said, openly.

"He what?" Luci said, shouting.

"Okay, here it goes." I said.

"Here what goes?" Luci said, her eyes practically shut from the brightness off the setting sun shining in her face.

"Last night, me and Dana were hanging out, watching movies, ya know, what we do every Sunday. Cole was out with Gabe and Will, and I may have snuggled a little too close to Dana, but still gave him no right to do what he did." I paused gasping for breath. "But anyways, I looked at him, cause he was crying, we were watching the Notebook, but he looked down at me, and kissed me! He planted his lips on mine and didn't let go till I pushed away. Then when I yelled at him he told me 'he's been inlove with me since day one, and he couldn't stop thinking about me' I kicked him out, but I can't tell Cole. I wont tell Cole. I can't help it that I attracted Dana, but I mean, I love Cole, I love him to death, and I would never wanna hurt him. If I keep it a secret, it will eat me alive, but if I do tell him, the band might break up. Help me." I said, hoping she was still listening.

"OH MY GOD! THAT DICK! Like he is a sweetie and all, but he said the same thing to me when I first found out I was pregnant. What the hell! Would you like ME to tell Cole?" Luci said, pacing back and forth.

"Would you! Please?" I said, jumping out of my seat.

"Yes! I will, he is coming over tomorrow for the baseball game." She said, "I'll talk to you later!" She shouted storming off.

*Author's Note*

Thanks for reading!

I hope you guys like it so far! But sadly it must come to an end soon.

Just a quick shoutout to a few people


Check her out! Read her stories, especially her amaing story 'The Groom's Past'

One more

Check out


and her amazing story 'Summer With Styles'

annnddd her soon to be story 'Sacrifice'

Hope you all enjoyed!


Carsen Marie;*

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