Chapter 5

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I stared at the ground, a puddle of tears was forming into the cream carpet.

"Don't cry," Dalton said, rubbing my back. "Please, you know I hate seeing you cry." He said, putting his arm around my waist and leaning his head on my shoulder.

I said nothing, continuing to stare at the ground and crying.

"Look, we can work through this, I mean, sure, we'll be on tour for the next few months, but we can have a baby, you just won't get to go on tour with me as much, ya know, until the baby is ay least a year or two." He said, trying to comfort me.

"I know, but that's why I'm so upset. Not only do I not want you going on tour, but if we have a baby, I can't do it on my own. I need support, not just from family, but from you. I don't want to stay home alone and watch a baby. Having no free time, no nothing. Not even you around." I said, the tears just flowing out, but I didn't care.

"I know, but not only is this my dream, it's my career, and if I don't have this, we don't have an apartment, nothing." He said, fear in his voice.

"Whatever, we have about seven months to plan everything, and we are on the road for another three months." I said, hoping I wouldn't vomit just thinking about three more months in this prison on wheels.

"We have like another four or five months." He said, teasing me.

"Oh hell no!" I said, standing up, "I didn't sign up fro five months on the road!" I shouted.

"I'm just joking, I don't even think we will be on the road for three months, maybe just a month at the least." He said, standing up, he walked towards me, wrapping his hands around my waist. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I said, stepping on my tip toes, I planted my lips on his.

I pulled away, but his put his hand on my chin and pulled me back.

I pulled away again, this time making sure he knew not to pull he back in.

"Don't tell anyone, I don't want them to know yet, the only person who knows is Dana, and that's cause he was the only person here to tell." I said, my arms still wrapped around his neck.

"Okay, I guess." He whined.

I heard the door open, and Rachel was standing there in shock.

"What?" I said, looking over Dalton's shoulder.

"I don't know! I'm hungry, can we stop and get some food?" She said, walking in between me and Dalton.

"Yes! Coney Island!" Dalton said, jumping up and down.

"Fine!" I said, "go tell Cole then!" I said, shoving Rachel out the door.


We all sat down and ordered our drinks.

Of course, me, Will, and Cole are had water, we were the more healthy ones in the group.

Now the others all got Mountain Dew, the worst possible drink for you, next to all the energy drinks.

"What can I get ya'll to eat?" A bleach blonde lady asked, pulling out her pen and paper. 

I couldn't focus on ordering, all I could do was rub my stomach.

"Babe," Dalton said, elbowing my arm.

"Oh, um, I'll just have a house salad with light ranch and extra croutons." I said quietly, handing her my menu.

"So, um that's it?" Dalton said, shocked that I ordered so little.

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