Chapter 8

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"Dalton," I whispered, trying to wake him up. "Dalton!," I whispered a little bit louder, this time shoving his arms causing him to shake.

"What?" He said, some what loud, "It's early in the morning! Why are you waking me up! I need my beauty sleep!" He said smiling and chuckling.

"Shhh!" I said putting a finger over his mouth.

"Why?" He said, opening his mouth causing my finger to fall in, and him biting it.

"Ouch!" I said, pulling my finger away, "but I think Kiva is here." I said in shock.

"My mom?" He said, confused, and scared.

"Um, did you tell her that I was pregnant?" I said, hoping he didn't, she already didn't like me.

"No," he whispered not knowing whether to say yes or no.

"Good!" I said, jumping out of bed, "I just have to put on a baggy hoodie and sweatpants!" I said, searching my drawers.

"Okay, well we are gonna have to tell her soon, I mean she is my mom." He said, walking towards me.

He spun me around, so my head was level to his chin, making sure I was secure in his arms.

"I love you, no matter what my mom says, no matter what anyone says. Okay?" He said, looking down at me, arms still wrapped around my waist, his hands intertwined so I couldn't escape.

"I love you too, and you need to stall your mom so she doesn't walk in." I said, stepping up and kissing him.

I threw my clothes on and walked out into the living room, plopping on the couch and pulling my knees up to my chest, or as far as they would go.

"Hello Luci." Kiva said walking towards me, inspecting me.

"Uh, hi Kiva." I said, emotionless.

"Please darling, call me Mrs. Rapattoni." She said, smiling.

I quietly giggled, not sure whether to giggle or not.

"Sweetie, I'm joking." She said, rubbing my knee.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I said, as Dalton sat next to me, draping his arm around me.

"Luci darling, what do you mean?" She said, looking hurt.

Cole and Rachel could feel the tension in the room, so they quickly looked around and said that they were going out for breakfast.

"See ya later!" I said, wishing they weren't leaving.

"Mom? Are you okay?" Dalton said, wondering the same thing as me.

"Look, something is up, I got that motherly feeling, and I had to come check it out." She said, no longer acting sweet and caring.

"Well, if you came all this way to know, Luci is pregnant and we are engaged." Dalton said, throwing it all out in the air.

"If you were still with Madison this wouldn't have happened." She said, gently placing herself on Dalton's favorite chair.

"Mom, can you stop bringing up Madison for five damn minutes! Come on, me and Madison broke up over a year ago, now I'm having a baby, and I'm getting married! There is no more Madison and me! It's me and Luci, only me and Luci!" Dalton said, his arm still wrapped around me.

"Well, I know that, but Madison could give you more. I mean she is talented, she has a career, and she has money." She said, walking to make coffee.

"Oh my god, all you care about is money, you have money! You wouldn't get money from me anyway!" He said, walking into our room and slamming the door.

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