Chapter 23: Grandma's House

Start from the beginning

"Well she was upset alright? You might want to call her. Where's your mother anyway, did she actually allow you to... Oh wait, never mind, since when has your mother given a damn about you huh? How's that adorable kid sister of yours, Joanne." He smiled and I flinched at the sound of him calling her 'Joanne' when he knew damn well her name was Joey.

"Joe-Bear is fine, she at my grams I think. I'm gonna go get once I finish up here." I sighed.

"Ah, well best of luck. I have to get home and get some sleep if im gonna make it through classes tomorrow. Happy 17th Elijah." Leo said ruffling my hair before leaving, allowing the door to close behind him. I finished cleaning up the house, then I worked on myself. By the time I pulled my car up outside my grandmothers house it was aiming towards 5pm, and my heads was jammed with thoughts of how angry Raine might just be if I didn't bother calling at all today. I pulled myself out of the car letting myself in with the spare key gram had given me.

"GRAM? JOE-BEAR? I'M HERE." I shouted walking through the entryway before I heading into the kitchen. Gram stood over a pot, her grey hair pulled back into  a tight bun as a burgundy shaw wraped oer her shoulders. Stirring the pot like a pro while Joey sat on top of the cabinet swinging her feet back and forth. Her green "Winnie the Pooh" shirt and her shorts overalls. Her feet kicking as one flat laid on the floor below leaving only one foot coated with a sock and the othe with a sock and a flat.Two braids on either side of her little head as she stared at gram intently.

"You know i'd appreciate if for once you wouldn't come in here yellin' your mouth off. Tell 'em what I told you to tell 'em 'bout that Joe Joe." Gram smiled without even looking at me, Joey turned her head and smiled at me.

"Ya never ever disturb a cook with hoots and hollers, ruins the whole process. Takes all the love away." She quoted wagging her tiny index finger at me.

"Wouldn't wanna take all the love outta this here meal now would you Eli?" Grandma smiled turning the fire down and placing her hands on her hips before looking at me. 

"No ma'am, I apologize." I smiled as she lifted up Jooey off the counter and placed her into the chair. I admit, it was shocking that at grandma's age she could still lift Joey, but it was nice to see her doing it.

"You hungry noy, don't look like you've eaten much today if anything. Skin and bones, you walking 'round here looking like a gust of wind could just pick ya up and drag ya off." She smiled shaking her head.

"Yes gram I could go for something to eat." I chuckled looking over at Joey who smiled up for only a second before returning her attention to coloring the Care Bear in her coloring book.

"You was gonna eat anyway, too skinny I tell you. Them boys gonna break you like a stick you don't buck up a bit. Don't want 'em tossin' my grandson around no ring and him being too fragil to toss a good hit back. I don't mindyou losing every once and again, gotta lose to improve, but I be damned if you don't at least put up a good fight." She smiled sliding me a bowl of gumbo and grinning when she heard my tummy growl. She lightly picked up Joey's coloring book and placed a bowl in front of her.

"Grandma's always right." Joey smiled.

"Kiss up." I grinned only to have Joey stick out her tongue at me. After we ate Joey ran off to the back room to pack her stuff. 

"So have you heard a word from your mama?" She asked as I helped her wash the dishes.

"Nope. I'm not even expecting too anytime soon, maybe we got lucky and she's dead somewhere." I snarled, it was close to the end of May now and she hadn't popped her head up since Thanksgiving break. 6 months, and not a fucking a word, I honestly didn't even want one anymore.

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