Chapter 12

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*~*~Spirit's pov*~*~

Me, hoodie, Valentine, Masky, and the other slendermansion residents besides Sally, Lazari, and Slender were all have a fun time behind the mansion getting drunk out of out minds around the fire pit. "Damn Kagikago this *hiccup* is the best idea you've ever had" Slurred BEN. I was sitting next to Val while drinking a bottle of Jack when Hoodie came over with a light blush on his face and started to try and make out with me. He was definitely drunk and me on the other hand had just barely started drinking tonight. I slapped that fucker right across his face so hard he fell off my lap and onto the ground. "Ah hell no Hoods you're not going to pull that shit with me just because you're drunk as hell," I told him and stood up. My wings twiched with anger then I flew up to a tree branch then sat there and drank from my bottle. I wonder if I would be able to retract my wings like slender does with his tentacles. Focusing extremely hard my wings painfully retracted into my back. I hope the pain eases over time. As I was about to pass out I heard something in the distance. "Hey Val, Jeff do you hear that," I yelled at them. "What are you talking about we can't hear anything," Jeff yelled back. "Smile please tell me you hear it," I asked him. He responded with a no and a shook of his head. I turn back to face the sound that started to grow louder. That's when I saw it, a red and black demon with mouths all over its body. "SHIT ZALGO'S HERE EVERYONE BATTLE STATIONS," I yelled as I grew my wings. As I flew down I pulled my dagger out ready to fight while everyone was scrambling to find their weapons. Since I'm probably the least drunk here I'll be the best when fighting. Slender came out to see what all the was about. When he saw Zalgo he became enraged.  "Zalgo what the hell do you want," Slender questioned. Zalgo responded with a dark chuckle, "I want her." He pointed at Val, I flew in front of her and pointed my dagger at him, "If you want her you'll have to get through me, I won't loose my sister again!" And just like that I launched myself at him, but before I could land any attacks on him hi smacked me into a tree. Then he smacked everyone else besides Slender and took Val then started to leave. No my only remaining family gone and I couldn't protect her. Hoodie looked at me then at Zalgo and took off to go save her. After a few minutes everyone started to help each other up, EJ and Dr. Smiley checked for any injuries. Hoodie didn't come back with Val in fact he didn't come back at all. I began to worry for both of them, I felt a hand on my back I turned around and saw Masky and Jeff through my tears. "Don't worry Hoods and Val will be fine, we'll find a way to get them back trust me," Masky said sincerely. I jumped into Masky's arms and cried on his shoulder while he rubbed my back trying to comfort me. I eventually passed out from all the crying, Masky took me inside and layed me down on Valentine's bed.

*Smile's pov*

I hated seeing Spirit like that, completely defenseless as she watched her sister get kidnapped and her best friend try to save her sister while getting himself kidnapped in the process. I padded upstairs to her's and Val's room to see Spirit on Val's bed curled up. Closing the door I hoped up onto the bed and turned into a human and snuggled up with her to make her feel somewhat better. I hope the others come up with a good idea to get Valentine and Hoodie.

*Masky's pov*

Me, Jeff, EJ, BEN, LJ, and Slender had just finished coming up with a plan. "Everyone remember this is just for us, Spirit, and Smile to complete understand," Slender stated. "Yes, sir," everyone in his office said.

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