Chapter 3

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I packed a duffle bag full of my stuff including my laptop and wifi stuff. It wasn't too hard to pack my stuff since I didn't have much to begin with. Before the two boys left last night Masky made a makeshift sling for my arm after he had checked it out and lucky me it was only a fractured bone. Masky and Hoodie planed to sneak me into the woods the next day. Masky had told me that we wouldn't run into Slender today because he was at a meeting at Zalgo's castle. I guess I could consider myself pretty lucky to have both of them on my side and I there to prot-

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of ticks and a neck cracking. "G-g-guys I think someone's following us," I studded.

"Shit, I knew I wasn't the only one who heard it," Hoodie said as he protectively pulled me closer to him.

"Hoods, I know those ticks anywhere," Masky sounded kinda pissed about it, "Rogers, we know you're here get your stupid special needs ass out from hiding!" Wait Rogers as in Toby Rogers, shit this Kid is crazy from what I've read. "Do you mean Toby Rogers as in Ticci Toby one of your coworkers," I softly asked Hoodie and he nodded.

 "F-fuck you Timothy I don't take orders from you," called out a voice from behind us. Next thing we knew I was pulled away from them a pinned to a tree by none other then Toby himself, he held one of his famous hatchets up to my neck. The force if the impact caused me to drop my bag and have the air knocked out of my chest. "Oh my Zalgo b-breaking the rules in two ways first by bringing pray into the master's woods and second by what it looks like you're trying to protect her," he spat the word pray at me.

"You know what I'm tired of people's shit," I used my feet to kick Toby away from me and he lost his balance causing him to fall on the forest floor, "Toby why don't you learn some manners before you hold a weapon to a girl's throat." I picked up the hatchet he dropped and with my good arm I held it to his throat. I was kicked off of him by a girl with black hair causing me to drop Toby's hatchet. "Didn't you learn not to take other people's stuff," the girl said. There was something about her that reminded me of someone who I used to know. "You seem oddly familiar where do I know you from," I asked her.

"Shut the fuck up you stupid little -" Masky cut her off by pulling me away from her and close to him. I turned and got a really good look at her face. She looks like me , but how's that possible I only have one sibling and he died because of Laughing Jack when I was 5.  "Valentine, leave Spirit alone she's special," Masky demanded. How was I a plain 15 year old american girl special? Valentine looked Masky dead in the face, shit she sure looked pissed, "What the hell, how does that bitch look like me." We just stared at each other for what seemed like forever. That was until Hoodie cleared his throat getting both of ours attention. "Well we better go before Slender is done with his meeting at Zalgo's, don't want him finding her again," Hoodie stated, he then picked up my bag and put it over his shoulder. Me, Hoodie, and masky went one way while Toby and Valentine went another.

*time skip to twenty minutes later *

We were inside the cabin sitting at the table talking, "So don't answer the door to anyone other then me, Hoodie, and possibly Toby and Valentine if they decide to help hide and take care of you. Also don't leave this cabin under any circumstances unless you have a death wish, got it," Masky said and I nodded my head. They left and I decided to go to bed since I didn't need to clean cabin because either Masky or Hoodie cleared it before they brought me here.

*Toby's pov*

"Should we tell slenderman about this Spirit girl," I asked Valentine. We were walking back from a mission, both of us were covered in blood. "Hell yes we should tell Slendy, I want to see those two kiss ups get the what for this," she answered. I saw Masky and Hoodie walking out of the cabin, tapping her I could tell she had the same idea as me. Those two won't know what hit them.

*Masky's pov*

I shut the door to the mansion then me and hoods ran to our room a fell on our beds. "Hey guys where did you go this morning," I turned my head to see Laughing Jack standing in the doorway. He can be really childish sometimes. "LJ we won't and can't tell you where we were," I said. He pulled out a lollipop and started to eat it. "Really then I think I'll go tell slender you two snuck out last night and today which won't be too hard since he just got back," he said with a smirk. How did he know about us sneaking out, me and hoods were extremely sneaky. "No, LJ wait we'll show you what we were sneaking out to go see," Hoodie said, dang it dude it was supposed to be our secret. We all walked the the cabin to find a note on the door.

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