Chapter 1:Memories

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I was sitting in a booster seat inside my parents car, strange why am I a 15 year old girl sitting in a booster seat. Anyway, my mom was driving and my dad was in the passenger seat, "who's ready to go to the carnival," my mom asked me. As mom was driving, a car on the opposite side of the road suddenly went in our lane heading right for us. I screamed as the car came into contact with my mom's car. When it was all over both my parents were dead and I had their blood splattered all over the front of me.

I shot up with a start, my god, ever since that dreadful day five years ago I've had that same nightmare every few weeks. I now live with my foster parents Elizabeth and Michael. They're ok foster parents and all but I just can't help but feel like I don't belong there. When I say they're ok foster parents I mean they beat me from time to time and treat me like crap but they let me live with them instead of at the local orphanage. Today was my another agonizing day of high school and already it's off to a bad start. First Elizabeth literally pulled me out of bed by my sliver hair. Then she called me a freak, I glared at her with my pink eyes. Due to my eyes being an inhuman color was one of the many reasons as to why I don't have any friends. I took a piece of toast from the toaster after I finished getting ready for school and after my "parents" beat me, I left the house to head to the bus stop. I noticed a couple of my bullies there and decided to take the long way around to avoid them, it's not that I'm scared of them it's just that I didn't feel like getting harassed right now. The long way I took alot was a walk through the so called slender woods, all that stuff about killers and people disappearing in there in my opinion was a bunch of rubbish I mean I walk through there alot and I'm still alive. 

  ~*~*~??? Pov~*~*~

That girl was doing it again walking through my boss's woods. One of these days she's gonna get seen by someone besides me. There was something about her personality that stopped me from attacking her. As I'm about to leap from my branch I'm sitting on, my metal pipe falling to the ground. I curse at myself for doing that knowing I just gave away my position. She turned around to see my pipe and walked to it. She then picked it up and looked up at me. "Excuse me, but did you happen to drop this," the girl asked me, weird she didn't seem to look at all afraid of me unlike other people. I nodded my head before I leaped from the branch and took my pipe from her. "The name's Spirit by the way," wow she sounded so confident yet at the same time worried about something. 

"M-my name is Hoodie," I told her.

I don't understand why she seemed worried after she had told me her name. I was about to ask her more when her face grew pale, I had a confused look of my face under my mask/hood. Then I had a feeling as to why it happened, I turned around to see none other then my boss the one and only Slenderman. Just great, I knew what would happen to her next so I picked her up and put her on my back. Then I ran to her out of the woods with my proxy speed.

~*~*~Spirit's pov~*~*~

There standing right behind hoodie was a tall faceless thing wearing a dark suit and red tie. I felt all the color drain from my face as a horrible buzzing sound filled me ears. Next thing I knew I was outside of the woods as hoodie is putting me down. "It best be wise to try to stay out of the slender woods for awhile,"hoodie told me as he got up to leave. 

"Wait um hoodie," I said as he stopped and turned around.

"Yes, Spirit what is it?"

"Why didn't you make fun of my eyes when you first saw them?" 

"Well I've seen much stranger things then just pink eyes."

With that he walk back into the woods, leaving me sitting there like a dummy. Standing up, I thought to myself, why should I go to school today just to get harassed, so I walked around the town till it was time for me to go home.


I hope everyone enjoys the first first chapter of "blood will run", until next time foxs please comment and vote. ❤

Moon cat signing out peace 

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