Chapter 10

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^*^*Spirit's pov^*^*

I was running through the woods as something dangerous was chasing me. I ran for my life, then I tripped over a stone and fell twisting my ankle. Not wanting the creature to capture me, I got up and continued to run the best I could. Something snaked around my bad ankleand yanked me to the ground. Looking down at the ankle I saw that it was black sowing thread, slowly the creature on the other end started to pull me towards it, "Valentine, Hoodie, help I can't free myself and I think something wants to kill me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then the thing cackled, causing a shiver to go down my spine. "No one will save you little doll. Your mine now," it cackled. I turned around so that I was laying on my back to get a good look of what had a hold on me. I saw the what had me was a man with blood rad hair, glowing mint green eyes, and pale skin. He had on what looked like a mix between LJ's and a ringleader's outfit. A black wind-up mouse sat on his shoulder, it's black unblinking eyes stared right into mine. "What the hell are you, are you Jason as in the thing that was outside my room today?!" I questioned the man.

"I am Jason the toymaker and I was sent to retrieve you for Lord Zalgo so lets go little doll," Jason cooed. Screaming at the top of my lungs again, he became annoyed and went to sow my mouth shut. "Spirit wake up, come on wake up it's almost time to start your training," I woke with a start, Valentine was looking at me with an annoyed and slightly worried look, "what was with all the sceaming, if I didn't wake you when I did you could have lost your voice also Hoodie tried to come in here when you first started screaming I think he's worried about you." I got out of bed and put on a pair of black shorts, brown combat boots, and a white tank top. I tried to tell her why I was screaming but all that came out was a raspy sound. My hands flew up to my mouth and Valentine laughed, "guess you almost completely lost your voice, oh before I forget Hoodie asked me to give this to you." She handed me a long wooden box with black swirls ingraved on the lid. "What's in it," I asked in an extremely raspy voice, Val just shrugged. Apon opening it I saw there was a nice sized dagger with a black handle and a blood red jewel on the bottom on the handle. It sat in a deep purple satin bed. Picking it up out of the box and swinging it around a few times I realized it felt like I was cutting through butter. "Wow this is a beautiful dagger and it feels like it was meant for me," I chuckled. After placing the dagger in a holder then placing the holder around my waist, we went downstairs. Well she walked and I slid down the banister. "I see You got the gift I left you. Do you like it," Hoodie laughed. I ran up and hugged him my voice squeaked when I thanked him. We heard giggling and cameras going off so I quickly broke the hug. Turning we saw everyone standing outside the dining room, Masky was taking video and BEN was taking pictures of us. I could feel my face turning bright red and Hoodie stiffen up. I tried to yell at them but once again I could only squeak. "W-what's everyone staring at," Toby walked in and saw me blushing like crazy, "ok break it up guys b-before I cut you all with my h-hatchets." Just like that everyone went back to the dining room and Toby walked to me and pulled me by my arm to the backyard. Wow I didn't think he would try to defend me like that. "Oh and you don't need to eat before we train. It would be really gross if you threw up on me due to how hard I'll be working you," he stated. We went out back and he disappeared from my sight, I quickly looked around me trying to find him. "First lesson is speed tap into your inner creepypasta then try to run as fast as your body will allow you all the way to the edge of the woods," I heard Toby say from somewhere I couldn't see. How the hell do I tap into my inner creepypasta and what is it? I focused extremely hard on trying to find my inner monster when I found it I felt an excruciating pain rip through my entire back. I collapsed to the ground and screamed at the top of my lungs coughing up some blood in the process. My vision started to blur and the last thing I saw before I blacked out was Toby, Masky, and Hoodie.

I'm so sorry guys this took me so long I've just been really busy with school and barely had time to update but I promise the next chapter will be awesome. Oh before I go I should tell you guys I have really big testing this whole week so I'll try my hardest to update when I can. Bye foxes for now see you all in the next chapter. ❤️

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