Chapter 5

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~^~^Spirit's pov~^~^

I woke the next morning to find hoodie curled up in my bed fast a sleep. I guess sometime last night we both fell asleep after he had calmed me down from my nightmare. I went over to my phone that was on the desk across from my bed. The calendar read April first, yay that means I'm officially 16 today. Most people think I'm joking when I say April first is my actual birthday but it truly is it even says so on my birth certificate. I skipped out of my room and downstairs, I suddenly got a pie to the face. "Ok not the best way to start my birthday but ok," I said to who ever hit me with the pie. Wiping it off my face to see it was Valentine who did it. "Did you just say today is your birthday," she asked and I nodded my head, "ok this is starting to get really weird, first we look alike then you say today is your birthday which is also my birthday, what the hell is going on here?" Ok she's right, well if my research is correct Slenderman should know what's going on with me and Valentine. "Honestly don't know but we could try asking Slender maybe he knows what's wrong with us," I told her.

~^~^Valentine's pov~^~^

Spirit's starting to become pretty smart.....for a mortal that is. "Good idea lets go," I went upstairs with her trailing behind me. I think there's more to my past then what I've been told. We arrived at slender's office door, after I knocked we waited for him to call us inside. "Come in children," he told us "now what brings you both here today, it's not time to start Spirit's training so what is to?"

"Sir I've started to question my past ever since I first met Spirit," I stated. He rubbed his temples which I knew meant that I was on to something. "I knew this was going to happen sooner than later, look girls it's best if you both sit down for this." Here it comes the truth.

~^~^Spirit's pov~^~^

"When you were both about two years old, you were outside playing with your older brother and I was watching from afar. I knew that Valentine was different from the rest of your family so I teleported to her and stole her. After she was safe inside the mansion I went back to your family and erased everyone's memories of her. To spare her the pain of no longer having a family, I told her that she was abandoned in my woods to die until I recused her. I raised Valentine as my child and she never knew the truth. I should have told you as soon as I saw Spirit but I couldn't do it. The truth is you are both twins," Slender told us. A look of complete shock was plastered on my face. I look over at Valentine and her face showed both anger and sadness.

~^~^ Valentine's pov~^~^

I was pissed and sad that he hid that from me. He was in for it now. I glared at him with a look could scare anyone, including him. He slowly backed away knowing I was about to attack him. I stood up slowly as Masky and Hoodie came into the room and immediately stopped me before I could attack him by grabbing my arms and holding me back. "LET ME GO SO I CAN KILL HIM!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs making the other know my anger. I watched as Spirit backed away from me and Slender. My eyes went full red, my skin went black, my hair went shorter, my clothing changed to an out fit similar to Dark Link's and a black mist like pair of tentacles came from out of my back.

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