Chapter 2

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Once home, I bolted upstairs and slammed my bedroom door closed. I felt like I needed to know as much as I can find out about hoodie and that faceless monster human thing. After two hours of reading and watching videos on my laptop, about them and many more I became confused as to why hoodie didn't kill me when he had the chance, I also found out what all those creators are called creepypastas. I mean I was technically trespassing on their land, tomorrow I'll try to find him again and ask why he spared me because I'm pretty much pray to the pastas.

~*~*~Hoodie's pov~*~*~

*at the mansion in Slendy's office* 

"But sir I couldn't kill her even if she is pray," I yelled at Slendy.

"Well why not  you know as well as anyone else that any human caught in my woods are to be killed without hesitation," he yelled back to me. Gosh why didn't I kill her when I had the chance. "Whatever is your reason I guess I can let this one slide, but this is the only time I will forgive you for something like this," Slendy told me. This means that if Spirit comes back to our forest I have to kill her. As I left the office and heading to my room I ran into my bro Masky. "Hey, why does Slendy seem so pissed off," he asked me.

"Well it's my fault, you see I kinda met a prey and didn't kill her even though I had every right to since she was in our woods I couldn't figure out why I even protected her from Slendy when he came," I explained to him

"You're taking me to this girl tonight after lights out weather you like it or not," Masky stated. Well that would definitely work out especially since we shared a room and our room had a window. 

~*~*~Spirit's pov ~*~*~

It was nine o'clock so I decided to take a quick shower then put on my favorite purple nightgown and crawled into bed. At around ten I was pulled out of bed by Michael and attacked, he smelled like alcohol. Just what I needed a drunken parent beating me up. He finished after about five grueling minutes, once he left I walked over to my mirror to inspect the damage. This was the worst I've gotten so far since I've lived with them. I had one black eye, a few bruises, my arm hurt like hell but since I don't have money I couldn't get it checked out to see if it was broken, and one cut across my cheek but it thankfully wasn't that deep enough to worry about. Then after cleaning the cut I crawled back into bed. At around midnight I was awoken again, weird Jane and Michael are usually asleep by now. I hopped out of bed and went to my window, opened it up, and stuck my head outside. "Hoodie, how did you find my house and isn't that Masky standing next to you," I questioned him still half asleep. The person I believed to be, but I wasn't completely certain because there wasn't much light coming from the moon. Masky then said something to hoodie but all I could hear was a mumble. "Spirit, step away from the window we're coming up," Hoodie cautioned me. After I took a few steps back hoodie came up to the window and came in, Masky followed him. Hoodie then asked me if it was safe for him to turn on the lights after nodding my head he flipped the switch. Once he turned back to face me I could tell he was shocked from my injuries. "They're not as bad as they look trust me," I tried to convince him.

~*~*~Hoodie's pov~*~*~

Wow I didn't expect to see her all beat up, just this morning she didn't even have one scratch on her. "Spirit who did this to you," I could feel my anger bubbling inside me. For some reason I had the feeling to protect Spirit from harm just like an older brother would. Which was weird because I knew for a fact I was an only child. "It's just the results from my drink enough foster father," she didn't seem too comfortable about it. Masky then turned and told me, "You know what there's an abandoned cabin in the woods she could live there, plus it would be a lot safer in the cabin then in this house where she could eventually be beaten to death." He had a good point. We then asked Spirit what her thoughts on the idea, she loved it she would be packed and ready to leave tomorrow night so she could live closer to me and be safer at the same time.


Well the chapter is finally done. Hope you all enjoyed it I stayed up until almost 1:00 AM trying to finish  it. The next chapter might take longer, but anyway please vote and comment love you all, bye foxes until next time.

Moon cat signing out. ❤️

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