Chapter 9

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^*^*Spirit's pov ^*^*

I woke to Slenderman's voice in my head telling me to come down for dinner. I guess I fell asleep while I was drawing. I pushed myself off the bed and made my way downstairs to the dining room. I sat in between Hoodie and an empty seat that I was saving for Valentine. Across from me sat someone with a white mask that has and a blood red smile painted on it. The person was just just starring at me making me feel a bit uncomfortable. "Dude why don't you introduce yourself instead of starring at Spirit," Hoodie told him.

^*^*Hoodie's pov^*^*

I had noticed that painter was staring at Spirit, causing her to become uncomfortable. "Ok, I'm Helen Otis also known as Bloody Painter or Painter for-" he cut off by Spirit, "Your the one who snuck into my room and wrote on my drawing when I was talking to Toby, and you also were the one who was outside my door laughing weren't you!" I turned my attention back to Painter and he chuckled. "I was the one who snuck into your room but I wasn't outside you door after that, Jason was outside the door," he stated. All the color drain from my face under my mask, how the hell did Jason get here and doesn't he still work for Zalgo. "Did I just hear you say Jason was outside Spirit's bedroom door," I turned to Valentine standing in the doorway with an angry look on her face. She then came into the room and sat next to Spirit, "Well did I or did I not," painter nodded his head, "does Slender know about this ," he shook his head no, "I see, well in that case Spirit you're going to be sharing your room with me, Zalgo might be planning something and it has to do with you." Shit I should tell Slender about this after dinner. "Children, I would like to talk to the four of you after dinner is over so we can discuss a plan to deal with the problem," Slender said inside our heads.

-Time skip to after dinner-

^*^* no one's pov^*^*

Spirit, Hoodie, Bloody Painter, and Valentine walked into Slenderman's office to see him sitting at his desk with four seats pulled out for them. Once the four were seated Slenderman began, "so as you all know Zalgo is having other pastas spy on Spirit. What we don't know is why he is doing this," Spirit and Valentine nodded their heads in agreement, "I will go have a meeting with him tomorrow to sort this out to the best of my abilities, but before I do that I should probably give Spirit her proxy mark to be able to keep track of her." And with that Slender used one of him long fingers to carve the symbol into Spirit's left wrist. "Holy shit that burns, I didn't think it would ever do that." Spirit said as Valentine pulled out a roll of gauze from her hoodie pocket a wrapped Spirit's wrist with it.

^*^*Valentine's pov^*^*

I felt bad for Spirit, this isn't the best way to spend a birthday. "Sir if you don't mind I think tomorrow we should hold a meeting with the rest of the pastas. So we can get them to help because no offense guys but the four of us won't be able to protect Spirit from Zalgo and his minions by ourselves," I told everyone. They then agreed with my idea, good thing none of them were offended. We left the room Hoodie and Painter came to help me and Spirit move my stuff into her room. Once everything including my bed were in my room the boys left so me and Spirit could rearrange everything so it would be neat. We both collapsed on our beds Spirit automatically fell asleep once her head hit the pillow. I pulled myself off the bed and walked over to Spirit. I tucked her into bed, "I promise I will never let anything come between us again and I will keep you safe even if that means giving up my life for you, I won't let anything happen to our broken family." I went back to my bed then crawled under the blanket and fell asleep.

-meanwhile in Masky and Hoodie's room-

^*^*Masky's pov^*^*

I was sitting against the headboard of my bed looking up information on this victim Slender wanted me to find. The victim was 17 year old female named Anna Colman. She's going to be Spirit's first victim. Well as far as we know she hasn't killed anyone. I checked the news for some unknown reason, to see that Spirit's foster parents and a little girl they replaced Spirit with I'm guessing, they were found brutality murdered in their home. Was that what those two were doing today? "Hey Hoodie, where were you after dinner," I asked him when I looked up from the screen. He barely accoladed me, he fell onto his bed a fell asleep instantly. Sighing I closed my laptop and got up. I walked over to Hoodie's bed and carefully took his mask off of him and set it on his bed post. Then crawled into my bed took off my mask and jacket and fell asleep.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry guys this took so long things are getting harder in school and I'm getting less and less time to update. Anyway thank you to those who read this. If there is anyone out there that is willing to become my co-writer for this I will be ever to great full to them. I don't know how many of you guy know this but it's extremely hard to do this while juggling a home and school life, I stressed out of my fucking mind and a co-writer would really help. My family treats me like shit and I live in constant fear that someone will come along and bully me. All my life I have been verbally bullied, neglected by people I thought were my friends it all started because of a fucking stupid crush I had in elementary school. Anyways sorry for ranting about my sucky life I promise it won't happen again. Check out my amazing friend IllusionTheProxy, she's an amazing writer and she doesn't know it but she and many more are my inspiration to continue doing this so check out her page and read some of her books. Comment down below or pm me if you have any questions, concerns, or correction that I missed.

This is Spirit signing out till later bye foxes <3  ;)

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