Chapter 17: Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

He glares at me in anger. I quickly put my sword into its sheath on my belt and jumped, swinging on a tree branch, then landed on Gaston's back. I held tightly to his dirty fur as he thrashed around, trying to fling me off. I slowly reached towards me sword, prepared to drive it into his pathetic head. But he had swung so hard, making me lose my balance, sending me flying towards the ground. Before I could regain my balance, he pinned me down on the ground.

"The hell?" I cursed. I kicked and tried to wriggle free but it was no use. I couldn't reach my sword either. A light grey wolf suddenly crept behind Gaston and bit his neck, freeing me from his trap. The grey wolf hung on to Gaston as he wriggled, trying to get the wolf off of him. I used the chance the mysterious wolf gave me and whipped out my sword, driving it deep into his evil heart.

Defeat, or be defeat.

I bowed down to the grey wolf as a rogue wolf howled, signalling their defeat. Only around fifty of their survivors limped back into the forest. Our packs yelped in celebration of our victory as night slowly fell. Everyone started to remove the bodies for the Full Moon celebration tomorrow night.

The grey wolf stayed their watching my every move as I patted it's head. "Thank you," I whispered, before running back to the awaiting packs.

"MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?" I yelled. Rather rude for a Luna, but it was necessary. Everyone's heads turned to face me in confusion.

"I apologize for not introducing myself earlier," I awkwardly coughed, "I am Shayla Hale, Luna of the Dark Wolfe pack. Alpha Chase has been hit with a star-iron bullet, so I am here as the Luna. All the rogues bodies are to be burned, and our fallen pack members are to be buried. You may take them back to your territory tonight if you'd like. I apologize for the battle and for families and friends you may have lost today. You are now free to do whatever you wish. I'll be checking on Alpha Chase if anyone needs me," I concluded. I bowed down to the sea of faces and they did the same.

Turning around to walk back, the grey wolf trotted over to me, gesturing it's head for me to follow him.

'I guess it won't hurt to follow it, after all, it helped me kill Gaston right?' I thought to myself.

I entered the mind of the wolf but only caught one word: 'Cure.'

I shifted and followed the wolf through the familiar scent of trees as it led me to a stream. It gave a wolfish grin as it leaped gleefully into the water, shaking away the blood and dirt. I laughed and slowly dipped my paw into the cold stream; the grey wolf gave me a playful growl as I was dragged in. Yelping, the wolf brushed it's paws on my fur, gently scraping away the blood. I sighed. Who was this wolf?

Slowly, I swam away from it's soothing touch and laid back down on the grass, shifting back into a human, dipping my knoted hair in the water.

"Who are you? Which pack are you from?" I whispered as I ran my fingers through it's soft fur. The wolf looked down and shook it's head, as if it didn't want to let me know it's true identity, "come on, I won't hurt you."

The wolf shifted, and I guess it was safe to say I was rather surprised.

"Arden?" my tone shifted from joy to hate, "How could you-"

"Just listen to me, everything I did was planned - perhaps Gaston barging in wasn't planned, but me carrying you when you were drugged, that was planned. I knew Gaston was going to ask for you, and that was the perfect chance for me to take you back to your pack. Please Shayla, don't hate me, I can help you. And even if you don't forgive me or anything, you have to forgive Chase. He loves you. He had mystic poison in his system and he didn't have control over himself. Just, trust me," he pleaded.

"Okay, I believe you, but help me? How do you presume to help me?" I asked with a little bit too much anger than I meant.

"I have the cure to star-iron. It could help Chase."

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Another chapter in 2 days! :D I feel awesome! :D I'll try to update again on Monday ^_^

Soooooo??? What do you think??? This chapter is fully dedicated to @powerengraved for giving me an awesome idea for this chapter! EVERYONE SEND THANKS :D

Chase is alive - but barely (just to clarify everything ^_^)

Expect around 3 or 4 more chapters, and a possible epilogue! :D

Confession 2: I can never write a chapter on wattpad that is over 4 pages. I just copied everything on this story onto Pages, and it had over 70 pages!!! and here... its like, less than 30 XD

Stay Lovely <3

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