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My eyes fluttered open as I felt crashing beneath me, only to glance out the window and realise we were landing, I must have been asleep for hours.

“Welcome to Washington, I hope you all had a wonderful flight, thank you for flying.” The captain announced over the loud speaker. The nervous threatened to take over but I pushed them away, I reached up and pulled my bag from the over-head locker and clutched it tightly as everyone pushed passed me and exited the plane.

When I had reached the exit I was thanked again by a flight attendant “Thank you for flying sweetie” she cheerfully spoke.

Wow these people thank you way too often.

I smiled gratefully “my pleasure” I spoke quietly as I slung my small bag over my shoulder.

She didn’t say anything back, she just smiled and I was happy about that, I didn’t want to start convocation with a flight attendant really. 

Once I had finally gotten into the terminal I took a walk around the airport trying to find the baggage pick up zone, only to find myself lost. 

I grunted to myself when I realised I was in the food court, turning my head around awkwardly trying to find the baggage pick up; I chuckled to myself when I noticed the signs above pointing to ‘terminals’, ‘baggage collection’ and ‘check in’ I followed the arrow in the direction it was pointing and at last found the baggage collection. 

I Made my way over to the carousal and took my bag and the box of books off it and dropped them on the ground in front of me before scurrying off to grab a bag trolley, I quickly returned and lifted my bags onto the trolley, I wheeled the trolley over to the large, glass automatic doors and stood out the front waiting for a vacant cab. 

It was weird, everyone had American accents, and I’m so use to listening the Irish voices I’m so fond of. I use to live up in Toronto for the first 5 years of my life before dads work was transferred to Dublin of all places, it’s such a small area, I wasn’t sure how he could get more work done up here. When I turned 10 he left us, in a way I was happy, he was drinking a lot; but its Ireland I can see where the pressure is but he was becoming abusive, since then me and my mother never left. 

“Take the next cab that’s coming, I’ll wait” I heard a chirpy almost familiar voice next to me. I looked up at the blonde boy that stood next to me with a smile plastered across his face.

“Niall?” I almost yelled in excitement, I hadn’t seen him in years ever since he moved with his mum more into town, we didn’t talk often then but we were best friends during the first 3 years of high school

“Long time no see!” he said equally as delighted to see me as I was him. He dropped his bag next to his feet before springing up and wrapping his arms around me, I had missed this kid.

“What are you doing here” I questioned as he finally let his grip loose

“I’m here for schooling, you?” he smiled looking up at the cab pulling up beside us. 

“Yeah same, WSC?” I questioned, I hope we were attending the same collage, I would feel so much more eased and in place then I would be if I was alone

“Well yeah, I start in a few weeks though” he tilted his head to the cab as I followed him, “pop the boot” he asked the cab driver though the window, He nodded in response and seconds later the boot was opened. 

Niall took the box of books off the trolley and placed it in trunk of the cab.

“Thank you” I smiled at him before helping him lift’ my suitcase into the boot or the taxi.

Don't Let Me Go.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن