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Hello! well, this is my first fanfic, based on the one and only Harry Styles! i want to make this as real as possible! i will take in any idea's you guys have so comment and leave ideas, i take everything inif all go's well ill continue to update! thankssss. 

My body was frozen and wrapped in my blankets this was the last night I would lay in this cold, lumpy old bed that I loved so dearly the way it creaked and you could hear springs rattle beneath you as you moved has driven me crazy the last 14 years but now that I think about it I will miss it a lot. I look around my newly packed bedroom; the glow in the dark stars that a stuck on my roof when I was four where still somehow glowing, I sighed to myself; collage, it was a huge milestone and I’m surprised I’ve made It this far. The only issue I had was flying all the way to Washington, from Dublin, I wasn’t Irish; I just moved there when I was about 4 because of my dad’s work but when he left we couldn’t really afford to start over so we stayed. When I got a scholarship to WSC for my next year in collage I was stoked; I would have no one, which kind of sucked but I didn’t mind all that much.

I closed my eyes in attempt to sleep, but I couldn’t, it was already 5am and I had a flight at 7am that’s only 2 hours. I drifted deeper into sleep as the minutes passed by and I finally found myself dreaming.


My eyes fluttered open to the sound I despised, clanking on dishes and my alarm; its 6:30am? Who even does dishes at this time in the morning? I questioned as I huffed out of bed and pulled my robe over my shivering body, my silky bed shorts stuck to my thighs. The floor boards where cold as I exited my bedroom. I felt butterfly’s linger in my stomach today I was moving, I was leaving the town I grew up in, I’m leaving my friends my everything, the only family I had left; mum. 

“Hey mum” I took in a rather large yawn as I slightly waved to get her attention, she was propping herself up at the kitchen table drinking a cup of tea and reading Pride and Prejudice, she looked up giving me her usual, morning glowing smile, but this time I hid a little bit of sadness behind it.

“Good morning my big girl” her face lightening up with the sight of me, I’ll miss that. ‘My big girl’ was a change from ‘good morning cupcake’ or ‘fairy bread’ or any other lame name she thought of when I woke up, I was already begging to miss that…

I laughed slightly “big girl hey” I brushed the hair off my face and pinned it behind my ear. 

“Mm” she smiled as she took another sip of her tea, swirling her spoon around the steaming mug to cool it down, “have you packed everything you need?” she took her attention from her book and aimed it on me, raising her right eyebrow slightly. 

I nodded as I took a banana from the fruit bowl that was placed in the middle of the kitchen table and began peeling it as I listened to my mum blab on about how her days in collage were and how organised she was; one thing I won’t miss is her ego.

“And that’s why you need to be responsible girls like that in my day ended up working at Kmart.” She continued, I’m not even sure what she’s talking about. 

“Yeah.” I nodded in agreement as she finally finished her story. I looked down at my phone to check the time, it was 6:15, I tossed the banana peel into the bin and stood up from my seat at the table, causing the chair beneath me to screech. 

“We have to get going soon, my flights at 7, we have 15 minutes to be ready.” I shouted as I walked into my bedroom still continuing to talk to my mother.

“Yes, well hurry.” She replied I heard her get up from her seat and the tapping from her low cut heels patter on the hard wood flooring. 

I walked into the bathroom that led off from my bedroom and began doing my hair; I plugged the hair straightener into the power supply and began straightening my long blonde hair that reached down to my hip-bones. I applied light make up, I was never the kind to ‘cake it’ as the year 9 girls use to say in high school. 

I walked over to the folded clothes I left out before I went to bed last night; a pair of white converse, my favourite blue jeans and a black, sleeveless button up shirt. I looked decent I guess, I was nervous I knew no one, but I didn’t have time to worry about what I was going to wear and what not. 

My phone alarm went off telling me we had to leave, great; my nerves kicked in and I began to worry. I picked up my suitcase and a box of books, everything else in this ‘room’ of mine was going to storage till I get out of college.

I walked out of my room to my mother leaning her back up against the couch in the living room, smiling her glowing smile. “Do you want some help there sweetie” she took the box of books out of my hands before I could reply, thankfully. 

“Yeah” I laugh as we approach the white car I have been so fond of, for the last few years of my life. I have my licence I just don’t have a car yet, something I have to tick off my list of things to get when I can afford them. 

The drive to the airport was not as long as I would of thought; I grew more nervous as we got closer. The ride was quite, filled with my mums usual old fashioned music but I didn’t mind all that much. 

Airport security went fine, and checking in was smooth, mum grew impatient as she couldn’t understand one of the lady’s accent’s at the baggage check in, but all in all it went well. We sat waiting for my plane to arrive, Gate 4 flight QF663 to Washington DC; for about 5 minutes as the plane was running late. 

I stood in front of the gate, embracing my mother, I was hoping to god she wouldn’t cry but I could feel tears patting my shoulder as she pulled away.

“Mum, come on, I have to go” I chucked as I rolled my thumb under my eye to catch any tears that pooled in my eyes. 

“Okay, Okay, pulling myself together now…Be responsible” she brushed the hair dangling on my forehead “Go for it Marley” she smiled and brought her lips up to my forehead, kissing it softly.  

A smile forced itself on my lips as I held back the tears that where threatening to spill, “Bye mum, I’ll miss you.” I muttered as began boarding the plane, I turned back to see my mother cupping her hand over her mouth and waving to me, she’s so embarrassingly perfect. I waved back to her giving her the best smile I could throw at her.  

I walked down though what was called ‘the gate’ and into the plane; a flight attendant directed me to my seat and I thanked her by nodding and smiling slightly. My seat was pretty much at the back; it was a window seat and luckily no one sat next to me. I lifted my carry-on bag up into the over-head locker above me, and shoved it in, shutting the latch after. 

I took a seat right next to the window and took in a deep breath, I was nervous. I slipped my phone out of my pocket to check if I had gotten any texts, there were a few from Samara, my best friend; wishing me good luck and telling me she will miss me, and a couple of other from family and friends.

Butterflies lingered in my stomach, I knew I was ready for this but the idea of being somewhere you had no idea of scared me. I slipped in my earphones hoping to calm myself down; pressing shuffle, landing on ‘awake all night’ by Cody Simpson. My eyes grew heavier and I found myself fast asleep even before the plane had taken off. 

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