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Omg thank you all for the votes and reads! this is actually insane:') Thank you yet again:* Its going to be long ish:) This chapter is going to have different  'P.O.V's' nkt just Jess' :))

Jess P.O.V

"Look at me, im broken." I cried.


"Leave it Louis! Im not worth it." I interrupted Louis.

"Everything about you is worth it, dont you dare say that!" Louis barked.

"I dont get why im still alive. Im not wanted alive anyway." I hissed, crying still.

" I promise you're worth it Jess!" Louis exclaimed.

"You're worth everything!" Niall carried on.

"Dont let people think otherwise!" Harry said, though I think it was more of a demand.

"Whats the point...?" I murmured.

"Everything!" Louis explained.

"I dont even get why you are all so nice to me. Is this some sort of act? Do you even love me Niall?" I asked, close to tears.

"Of course I do! dont you ever think that I dont!" Niall growled, yet still sounding cute.

Is that even possible? Well it is now... "I cant do this..." I whispered.

I took this chance to run.

I ran...

They all tried to grab me but I somehow managed to rush past them.

I run up to the main house...

I rummaged around the rooms looking for the front door...

there it was....

Should I? Yes? No?


I rushed over to the door, struggling to open it. Finally it swug open, but the three boys weren't far behind me. I was bare foot yet I still ran, it was my only hope to get out of this hell hole. The bitter cold air smashed against my bare skin, causeing me to squeal out in pain. It was freezing. I turned my head slightly and there I saw not just the three boys but all 5. I ran faster than before. Although my feet were smashing onto the cold damp sharp surface I still managed to ease through the agonizing pain. I quickly turned around to see if they were there, but I couldnt see them.

Now im scared.

Harry's P.O.V

"I cant do this..." I heard Jess whisper.

With those words she legged it. We all tried grabbing her, but it was too late, she had already rushed past us. She started running quickly up the steep stairs that lead to the main house. Is she trying to do a runner? "What are we waiting for?" Louis growled.

We all started following her, but she was already out of sight and most likely,  either out of the house or close to the door. "Liam, Zayn? She has gone, she ran!" louis exclaimed, shouting.

He has just made the situation ten times worse. "Well done lou. Making it worse for the poor girl. Smart eh?" I growled, gritting my teeth.

"idiot." Niall hissed.

"What did you say? She has ran? away?" Liam barked, rushing down the stairs.

Zayn soon followed, and with that we all pilled out of the house.

There she was, her bare feet hitting the cold uneven ground. I wish I could turn back time, give her back the life she deserves. Im an idoit. A fucking idiot. I hate me, I hate what I am. "She has gone... I cant see her." Liam gritted his teeth.

"Let her free, she deserves it." I hissed.

and with that I found myself pushed harshly against a cold brick wall. "What did you say?" Liam growled, clearly pissed.

"Let her free, she deserves it." I hissed, yet again.

I was punched in the side of my face. Ouch. "Wanna say it again?" Liam barked.

"Let her free she deserves it." I barked back.

He punched me again, causeing me to flinch. It was painful, yet I showed no emotion. "Liam stop..." Niall and Louis exclaimed in sinc.

Zayn seemed to not say a word. "No i wont stop! So Harry...Do you want to say it another time? Or are you going to give up? I  mean you look like you're in so much pain." Liam roared angrily.

"Let her free she deserves it! im not giving up, thats what you want though, isnt it bad boy?" I hissed, gritting my teeth.

"Prick." I heard Liam say.

I was punched agai , but this time it was harder. This time It managed to knock me to the floor.

My sight began to blur...

My Head was pounding...

My hearing started to muffle...

I just lay there, lifless...

And then suddenly it was all black...

Louis' P.O.V

Harry was just lying there, blood spilling from the side of his face. If I didnt call Liam down, we wouldnt be in this situation.  I am such an idiot. "Right we need to call boss. He can sort this out." Liam said, pulling out his phone.

This cant be good... when we get boss involved, the situation never ends... well...er... lets just say, it never ends well. Me and Niall looked at each other, Nialls eyes tearing up. He really does love Jess, but so does Harry. Liam quickly dialled the number, and pressed his phone up against his ear.

"Hello boss..."

"Im sorry"


"This is important"


"Im sorry! be patient. "

"Well, jess has escaped."



Boss, started to shout towards the end, but i couldnt make out what he was saying. This was not good... "Whats he doing?" Niall asked, obviously sounding worried.

"He sending out look outs..." Liam said nervously.

"Is that it?"Niall asked sounding slightly relieved.

"They are armed with... guns..." Liam finished.

She is in real danger.

Jess P.O.V

I just stood there, not knowing were to go. This was all so scary to me. I looked into so many alleyways, but they all had dead ends... this is not looking good for me. I started to hear slight mumbling,  but I couldnt work out what they were saying. Are they looking for me? My heart beat began to race.

I was so frightened.

What happens if there is someone around the corner ready to jump out at me? What I-


I fell to the cold damp ground, smashing my back on the surface. I felt a rush of pain covering my whole body, but my shoulder was in the most pain. I turned my head to see, blood spilling out of a bullet shaped hole in the side of my shoulder. The sight of it made me queasy. My eyes sight was now becoming even more blurry, and all I could hear was the rapid drumming of my heart beat.

A darkness overcame my eyes...


I hope you like this one! Keep voting and commenting! Is this the end of the fanfic?:O Well thats your decision!  Comment what you think:)<3

The Gang I Should Have Never Messed with ~A One Direction Fanfic&lt;3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن