I was shot?

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I decided to updatte:**

Jess' P.O.V:


That name....


I am almost certain I know that name from somewhere! Where though? I am actually so confused right now.


That name seems so familiar, yet unfamiliar. Maybe I am being stupid. Maybe I dont know someone called Harry?

Is my mind playing with me?

Maybe I should start thinking of the possible hair colours he could have had.

Ginger? No.

Blonde? No.

Brown? No.

Red? No.

Actually maybe it is Brown? This idea might help me out! I am sure his hair is brown and... and....Wavey? Seems pretty reasonable.

Dimples? Yes!


I remember! Harry!






The memories of the gang start flooding in... and of course the fact my family are dead. I swear if I could get my parents back I would, you dont even understand.

My parents faces are fading from my memory, slowly but surely; So is my brothers. Is this normal? It it normal to forget the faces of loved ones?

I have no pictures to reassure me on what they loook like, only my memort can, but my memory seems to go fuzzy when I think about what they all looked like.

I moved slightly and a agonizing pain rushed through my body from my left shoulder. I winced in pain.


I turned to look at my shoulder, opening one eye.

Was I shot? No... I couldnt have been. I wasnt shot. Please say I wasnt shot.

Of course I was shot, look at my arm! But when was I shot, and how?

I wish I died after being shot, it would have done me a massive favour. I forgot, life hates me...

~Alessia <3

Sorry it was short and really bad, I am shattered and I wanted to update for you guys! I am actually overwhelmed by the amount of reads this fanfic has. thank you! Please Comment, Vote and spread the word:*

The Gang I Should Have Never Messed with ~A One Direction Fanfic&lt;3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz