This is not good.

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I have been really busy today, so only doing one update:( Sorry guys! I cant believe Niall is 20 tomorrow. Our Irish leprechaun is turning 20, boy does time fly!

Harry said he would keep me up to date on Niall and everything else up there, because unfortunately for me, I dont get to know a lot down here. Occasionally I hear the odd argument, but I have only been in this basement for 17 hours(According to my watch.) Its so boring down here, no one comes to check on me as often as they did upstairs. Is it so its not suspicious? Harry said that from the basment, I can hear basically everything, but from upstairs they cant hear me. Wierd huh? It confuses me. I still have heard nothing about Niall! Is he ok? The bed is old and horrible, ew. The floor and walls are plain-Walls concrete and the floor wooden boards. Will they let me design this room? Its so horrible. I hear light footsteps getting closer, coming down the stairs to the basement. Yay, someone has finally realised that I am still alive. I hear a quite knock. "Come in." I muttered.

And with that, Harry walked in. He came down the small set of stairs and walked over to me. "Hello Jess. Is it ok down here?" Harry asked looking very sorrowful.

"Its not the nicest, but I have no choice. I miss everything Harry."I said on the erg of crying.

"I am so sorry." Harry admitted.

"You say that, but you dont care." I stated.

"Trust me, I care a lot." Harry said.

"Explains why you have locked me down here. Great way to show you care!" I said, getting more and more angry.

"Its not my choice!" Harry growled.

"You have a say." I barked back.

"No I dont." Harry growled yet again.

"So you arent your own person?" I asked, angrily.

The more we argued, the closer we got. The more we argued, the more our voices raised. "I am, I just dont have a say in what happenes around here." Harry answered, snarling.

"Harry you are digging a deeper hole for yourself." I sneered.

"No im not. Im telling the truth." Harry said.

"I dont get you. You aren't independent at all." I admitted.

"I have my opinion, I just cant put it forward." Harry barked.

"Then why are you here? You should be making a living out of your life, but instead you are a criminal." I barked back at him.

"A criminal? Im not a criminal." Harry said, sticking up for himself.

"Then what are you?" I asked angrily.

"I dont know." He stuttered.

"Exactly. Your a jerk." I said.

our heads getting closer. "Your an idiot." He replied.

Oh no he didnt! "Your an ass hole." I snarled.

"your a slut." Harry growled.

He called me a slut? That is not the way to go." your a...a... Your a-"

I was interrupted by Harry kissing me. What? I cant do this... Niall.... But Harry's lips were too soft and comforting. No. Shut up Jess! I cant kiss him.


I might update soon, I will definitely write now... because I have a good idea!

The Gang I Should Have Never Messed with ~A One Direction Fanfic<3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें