Im Scared.

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If you are enjoying this fanfic, spread the word! I really appreciate it guys! This is quite a long chapter! I hope you enjoy it! I will update tomorrow! Maybe twice? or three times, depending on the reads! But thanks so much for voting and reading! It really does mean a lot! Also I do love reading feedback, it helps me:)

Niall got shot? No way.... My Niall? No. He is too clever to have got shot! No no no no no no no no no no no! Arrg! Life doesnt get better... When I thought it was close to getting better, it throws more shit at me. Thanks an awful lot life, not. What if he is dead? That takes it to a whole new level. Niall is too strong to die. He is my little irish fighter, that what he is! "He got shot?" I asked, bursting into tears

"yes... we don-we dong know if he will make it." Harry cried.

I weeped even more, burying my head into the soft fluffy pillow. "Harry, he cant die..." I said.

"Lets hope so." Harry said walking over to me.

He sat down next to me and hugged me tightly. I didnt want to let him go. I dont have feelings for Harry, he Is just always been there for me, helped me and mademe feel safe when Niall wasnt here. Hugging Harry means that everything around me becomes stuck in time, not literally but it feels like It. "Harry?" I asked.

"Yeah Jess." He replied.

"Why does life hate me?" I questioned, crying even more.

"It doesnt, its just at the moment its giving you a hard time." Harry told me.

"Why me though? I havent done anything bad!" I stated.

"I dont know." Harry admitted, pulling me into another one of his comforting hugs.

I just wept into his chest with every breath. "Look Jess." He said.

I let go of him and looked at him. "We really need to go now. Ash is looking after Niall. We need to go and see if he is still alive because if he is no-lets not even think about it." Harry said.

Ash! I get to see her again. Wait, why do we never go to hospital? Thats really strange..."Harry, why doesnt anyone go to hospital here?" I asked curious and confused.

"Because its to dangerous." Harry answered bluntly.

"Dangerous?" I questioned.

"Yes dangerous. " Harry replied.

"Why?" I asked puzzled.

"Because..."He said nervously.

"Because what?" I asked, motioning my hands to tell him to carry on.

"Because we could get in to a lot of trouble." He replied, taking a deep breath.

"I dont get it?" I said very confused.

"It dkesnt matter!" Harry said raising his voice.

Since when did Harry do that? Since never! He had never raised his voice at me before! "Look, we really need to go know!" Harry said, raising his voice even more.

He was starting to scare me a little. Harry wasnt the type of guy who would raise his voice. Well he was, but I mean never had he done so to me. Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I shrieked in pain. "Harry!" I moaned.

"Do you want to see Niall or what?" Harry shouted.

I was now really scared, Harry had raised his voice again but this time he was shouting. I heard a bleep and with that harry whipped out his phone from his pocket and unlocked it. His face dropped at what he saw. Whatever it was it was important. "We have to go!" Harry shouted.

He grabbed my arm and said "Follow me! Quickly!"

He let go of my arm and started running down the steep stairs. I did as he asked and followed. "Harry whats happening?" I stuttered.

"its about Niall..." Harry said.

"Is-is he dead?" I gasped.

"No, but he will be lucky if he survives. we need to go quickly if you want to see him!" Harry explained.

I am still so confused. What is happening? Niall cant die! He is too strong for that!


I hope you like it! Thanks for the reads guys!

The Gang I Should Have Never Messed with ~A One Direction Fanfic<3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora