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I am updating now and maybe tomorrow.... im sorry that school and homework is in the way:( I have a week off, but I am going away so it makes it harder for me to update:L Tomorrow I might just write a few chapters and update them on different days... not sure yet though!

Jess' P.O.V:

I saw myself being dragged buy two strange men. They were wearing only black and big sun glasses (although it wasnt sunny) The two threatning men took me down alleyways that lead to small streets...

I just followed.

What? I was following myself getting dragged by two men? I was following MYSELF... this seems odd and extremly scary... like extremly scary. Have you ever saw yourself getting dragged aro- Im bleeding? My lifeless body that they are carrying is bleeding. I stand still, shocked at the fact I can see myself yet I am out of my body? After staying still for a coule of seconds, I realise I have lost them. They are out of sight, but there is a blood trail! I quickly follow the blood trail until I see them. There they are, carrying ME. I still cant get my head around it... I can see myself? is this normal? Maybe this is all a dream...Maybe I will soon wake up in my warm bed... I wish that can happen, but obviously I cant go back to MY bed. Why can I see myself? why am I bleeding? I have so many questions to ask, but who do I ask? The creepy men? "Hello? Sir? Guys? anyoned?" I asked quietly.

can they hear me? are they ignoring me? God knows... "Excuse me? What is happening? I am so confused." I stuttered, puzzled.

I was trying to get their attention,  but it didnt seem to work, nothing did. "Hello? Someone help:0? anyone?" I shouted.

I was getting frustrated,  I needed an explination to this bizarre encounter. What is even happening? No one is lestening to me. Can they see me? I know they cant hear me... but do you think its possible for them to see me? I doubt it...


"I dont know." I heard a very serious, unfamiliar voice say.

'I dont know'... what the hell is he talking about? I didnt dare to open my eyes, I didnt want to find out where I was. What the hell was that whole dream about. I lay there, eyes glued tightly shut, yet I wanted to open them... at least look... see where I was. But at the same time, I was terrified...terrified that if I opened my eyes, someone was there, watching me like a stalker. even if no one was there, I would still feel as though a thousand eyes were uncomfortably staring at me. Another unfamiliar voice echoed through my ears "Harry is badly injured?"

the rest was muffled, because he had gone further away from wherever I was.the name Harry seems extremly familiar,  but I cant think why. I am baffled, completely confused.






How do I know that name? Harry...?

~Alessia <3

Hope you liked it:*

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