Chaper 32: Soulmates

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Gibbs unlocked the door to their beach house. He swung the door open with triumph. Everyone walked inside and rested their suitcases by the front door. The beach house had two bedrooms, and one bathroom. It also had a patio, leading out onto the beach. One bedroom had two full size mattresses (the four teenager's room), and the other bedroom had one queen sized mattress (Gibbs and Jenny's room).

Ziva was fully awake now, but was still being carried by Tony. Tony started walking into their room when Ziva spoke.

"You can put me down now, Tony".

"Nope". Tony replied, grinning.

"Put me down". Ziva said, frustrated.

Tony walked over to one of the beds. "Fire in the hole!" He yelled as he threw Ziva on the bed. She squealed as she flew through the air, and landed on the soft bed.

"Tony!!" She exclaimed as she layed on the bed, glaring at him.

Tony laughed as he apologized. He offered his hand to help her up, and she took it. Still laughing, Tony forcefully pushed her back onto the bed.

"You've gotta have faster reflexes than that." He said, chuckling.

Ziva sat up in the bed and stared directly into his eyes. "You want to play this game, Tony?" She asked testily.

With lightning speed, she kicked out. Missing him by inches.

"Woah, my ninja". He said, dodging her kick. "Be careful. This is how someone gets hurts".

She stood up and took her fighting stance. "Yes. You". She replied, smirking.

Tony raised his hands defensively. "I don't want to see you get hurt, Zivalisious".

That was all Ziva needed. She advanced towards him, throwing punches every which way.

"Ziva, OW, no." Tony said, as he backed up and blocked her punches. "No, Ziva, OW".

Tony then grabbed Ziva by the waist, and threw her on the bed. Ziva grabbed his arm, and he fell ontop of her. She hoisted her legs over his head, and squeezed slightly.

"OW, Ziva, stop!" Tony begged as she slapped his head with her hands and squeezed with her thighs.

"Who's laughing now, huh?" She laughed. She slapped his head again with her hands. "Huh? Huh?"

"You are! I'm sorry!" Tony begged again.

Jenny rounded the corner, and observed the two teenagers from the doorway. "Quit horsin' around you two". She said, folding her arms.

Ziva released Tony from her viselike grip. "He started it". She said, smirking and fixing her hair .

"I'm ending it". Jenny frowned.

Gibbs peered into the room as well. "Are those two playing grab-ass again?" He asked Jenny.

Jenny nodded and Gibbs smirked. "Go and join Abby and McGee at the beach". He said. "You guys seem like you need to do something productive".

Both teenagers blushed, and shuffled out of the room to grab their beach essentials.


They stepped out into the crystal white sand of the Castelldefels beach. Abby hopped from one foot to the other, trying to avoid burning her feet because of the hot sand. Ziva was used to the hot sand because of Israeli desert, so she walked barefoot with no problem.

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