Chapter 36: Going Home

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A week flew by, and they were leaving to go back to DC today. The suitcases were packed and ready by the front door. It was three in the morning, and everyone slowly woke up to get ready for the long plane ride home. Tony was the first to wake. He rolled over and looked at the sleeping Israeli next to him. He scooted over and twirled his finger in her hair. Ziva groaned in her sleep and moved closer to him. Tony's stomach flipped, and he then realized something.

He was in love with Ziva David.

The way she smiled, the way she laughed, they way she messed up idioms; Tony was hopelessly in love with her. He loved the way she threatened him with his life, and the way she wasn't afraid of being physical with him. He loved it when they would wrestle each other, and how she shrieked with laughter whenever he pinned her down.

Ziva's eyes began to flutter as she slowly began to wake up. Once her eyes focused, she glanced at him and grinned sleepily.

Tony smiled back at her, and continued to twirl his finger in her hair. "Wakey, wakey". He teased.

Ziva grunted and nuzzled her nose in the crook of his neck. "What time is it?" She asked, yawning.

"Three. Now get up, we have a plane to catch".

Ziva groaned in protest, but rolled out of bed. Tony chuckled to himself when the half-asleep Ziva stumbled out of the room, and into the bathroom. He heard her bang on the bathroom wall a few times before finally finding the lightswitch.

An hour later, everyone was dressed in their plane-clothes, and ready to go. Abby and Ziva sat on their suitcases, while waiting for Jenny to check that they had everything.

Tony was preoccupied. He was trying to figure out the best way how to ask Ziva to be his girlfriend. He wanted to make it romantic, but not over the top. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Jenny declared that she was ready to go.

They took a cab to the airport, and dropped their suitcases off at the Baggage Drop-Off. Because it was so early in the morning, the airport was almost empty- with the exception of a few people walking to and from their terminal. All the shops and food courts were closed, so they all had to wait to eat until the flight attendants served them with the awful, tasteless food. With twenty minutes to spare, they walked into their Gate, and took their seats by the windows. McGee took out his Dramamine, and swallowed two pills.

A woman announced that all passengers from Barcelona, Spain, to Washington D.C, United States were allowed to board the plane. The six of them shuffled sleepily like zombies into their tight, uncomfortable seats, and buckled their seat belts.

Abby didn't have an ounce of Caf-Pow in her system, so she was out like a light as soon as she rested the side of her head on McGee's shoulders. McGee was almost asleep. He kept nodding off, but then woke up every time a passenger walked by, or made any sound. Like Abby, Gibbs and Jenny were fast asleep as well. For Tony and Ziva however, they were wide awake. They argued who would get the window seat, and it led to Ziva pressing each of Tony's pressure points, and Tony punching her lightly to defend himself. Tony eventually won, arguing the fact that Ziva had the window seat flying to Spain, so it was only fair that he got the window seat on the way back.

"You are so mature, Tony". Ziva huffed as Tony took his seat by the window. "What ever happened to being a gentleman".

"Well, until you start acting like a lady, I won't act like a gentleman". Tony shot back.

Ziva rolled her eyes. "I am a lady". She retorted, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Oh yeah, uh-huh". Tony said sarcastically. "Ladies totally fight men, and hurt them, and make marks on them. See?" He said, showing Ziva his arm, and all the tiny bruises she made.

Ziva giggled. "Only badass ladies". She winked at him.

Tony laughed. "Yeah That much is true. Only badass ladies".

Then, Ziva's expression changed. She looked worriedly at Tony. "I'm sorry if I hurt you, Tony". She said softly. "I hope you know that I don't mean to actually hurt you".

Tony chuckled and tousled her hair. "I know, Zi. But I won't forgive you until you kiss them". Tony smirked, showing Ziva the bruises up and down his arm.

Ziva grabbed his arm, and kissed each one of his tiny bruises. "Better?" She asked when she had finished.

"Much. Thank you". Tony said gratefully as he smiled at her.

Ziva felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned around in her seat. McGee leaned forward in his seat, and smirked at her and Tony. "You two act like an old married couple". He stated before giving Tony a wink.

Ziva chuckled and shook her head. "If we are married, then I want a divorce". She said, jokingly.

"Hey!" Tony exclaimed defensively, but grinning at Ziva. "You can't leave me!"

Ziva smirked at him. "Watch me". She taunted. "And...I want full custody of our children". She added.

Tony made a face of mock terror. "I can't believe you would that to me". He said with a hurt tone. "But there is no way they would let you have full custody". He stated, smirking.

Ziva crossed her arms. "And why is that?" She asked, challenging him.

"Not after I show them all the BRUISES you gave me". Tony said grinning from ear to ear. "The children are mine. And so is the house, and everything we own".

"Darn. You are probably right". Ziva said crossing her arms. "But I would play the woman card. They couldn't possibly leave a poor, defenseless woman to suffer out in the streets, all alone".

Both Tony and McGee snorted. "Defenseless my ass". Tony grumbled, shaking his head.

Ziva giggled. "This is fun". She said. "This reminds me when I used to play 'house' with my school friends back in Israel."

Tony grinned at her. "I know, it is fun". Tony stated. "Let's see, what else?"

"What are your guy's jobs?" McGee asked them.

Tony snapped his fingers. "Yeah! I forgot about that. Hmmm. Well Ziva is obviously a stripper, and...."

But Tony was cut off as Ziva made a sound of protest.

"Oh, I'm sorry". Tony said sarcastically. "Would you prefer the term 'exotic dancer"?

"Why me?" Ziva asked incredulously.

"Because you're hot, sexy, beautiful, and flexible". Tony said, winking at her. "And let's not forget about 'Zivalisious".

Ziva blushed at Tony's complements as McGee laughed. "Fine. I'll be an exotic dancer". She gave in. "But you, Tony, would be a male stripper".

It was Tony's turn to make a sound of disgust. "Why me?"

"Because you are hot, sexy, and handsome". Ziva complimented back.

Tony was about to thank Ziva, but Gibbs suddenly walked past them. "You two done playing grab-ass?" He asked, smirking slightly.

Tony and Ziva's faces turned bright red when they realized that Gibbs was listening to their conversation the whole entire time.

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