Chapter 31: Plane Ride

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It was a small plane. There were no aisle seats; just two seats by the windows. Ziva and Tony shared one row, and Abby and McGee shared a row behind them. Gibbs and Jenny shared a row across from the four teenagers. Both the girls and Jenny sat in the seat closest towards the window.

Abby was bouncing excitedly in her seat. They were waiting for the rest of the passengers to take their seat, and to put their luggage in their overhead compartments. Abby's excited energy was making the seat in front of her move.

Ziva kneeled in her seat and turned around to face the bouncing Abby. "Abby, you're making my seat move". She said annoyed.

Abby giggled and stopped bouncing. "Sorry Zivi". She said.

Ziva playfully scowled at her, and sat back down. She turned to Tony who was reading a GSM magazine with wide eyes.

Ziva smirked and grabbed the GSM magazine that was in her seat. She flipped through the pages until she found an interesting article on page 57. Smirking, Ziva closed the magazine, and leaned close to Tony. With her lips dangerously close to his ear, Ziva cleared her throat.

"I especially like the article on page 57. In my experience, it works everytime". She whispered huskily in his ear.

Tony jumped and whipped his head around to look at Ziva. He found himself staring into Ziva's beautiful brown eyes.

"In-in your experience?" He stuttered, unable to tear his eyes away from Ziva's hypnotizing stare.

She smirked. "No, but I'm certain it would work". She patted his cheek, and sat down properly in her seat. Tony flipped through the pages of his GSM magazine and found page 57. As he read, his eye's grew wide.

"Woah". He gasped. At that moment, Gibbs walked by and and gave him the hardest head slap he had ever given.

Tony winced and Gibbs snatched the GSM magazine out of Tony's hands. "Don't read that crap". He growled, and tore it into two.

"Yes dad. Sorry dad". Tony said, grimacing as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Keep an eye on him, Ziver". Gibbs mumbled, walking away.

Ziva smirked. She crossed her arms and leaned up against the plane's window. She stared at him.

Feeling uncomfortable, Tony nervously scratched his neck. "What are you doing?"

Ziva widened her eyes. "I'm observing you, Tony".

"Is there anyway you can do that less creepily".

Ziva opened her mouth to say something, but her gaze caught Jenny and Gibbs laughing.

"What do you think they're laughing about?" Ziva asked. Tony looked at his parents laughing and shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me". He said.


Five hours into the flight, all the teenagers were getting restless. Jenny and Gibbs were silently watching a movie from the tiny television screen. Timothy McGee was sound asleep, snoring quietly. Ziva, Tony, and Abby were tired of watching tv, so they were talking instead.

"What is your funniest moment ever?" Tony asked Ziva. Ziva thought about it, and giggled when she remembered her funniest moment.

"Before the performance of Rhapsody in Blue, everyone who was in Naughty Girls would create stripper names to help us get into character". She announced, chuckling.

Abby giggled. "What was yours?" She asked.


Tony snorted, and cracked up laughing. "Zivalisious!" He laughed. "I'll have to remember that one".

Ziva joined in with the laughter. "One by one, we would step out of the costume rack and introduce ourselves like strippers". Ziva chuckled at the memory. She then made a seductive face and placed one leg in Tony's lap as she ran her hand up her leg. "You ready boys? Zivalisious is here!" Ziva said in a husky voice as she made an exaggerated wink.

Tony cried with laughter, and Abby was laughing so hard, she clutched her sides. "Ok my turn". She said through labored breaths. "My funniest moment was when my grandmother bought lingerie for me, without knowing what it was".

Ziva snorted. Tony turned to look at Abby. "Grandma Mary?"

Abby nodded. "Yeah. She thought it was a red lacy scarf. She gave it to me, and told me to wear it all the time".

Ziva giggled. "Did she ever find out it was lingerine?" She asked.

Abby smiled. "I texted a picture of it to her, and she kinda freaked out".

Both Tony and Ziva laughed. "Oh I remember that!" Tony said, laughing.

They gradually became silent, and looked out the window at the clouds below them. Suddenly, Tony burst out laughing again. Ziva and Abby looked at him surprised.

"Sorry". Tony said, still laughing. "It's just... Zivalisious!"

The girls chuckled. Abby cleared her throat. "I think my stripper name should be Dark Angel".

Tony laughed. "And mine should be..."

"Tony Baloney". Ziva interrupted him.

Tony abruptly stopped laughing and playfully glared at Ziva. Abby covered her mouth with her hands, and dramatically said "Ohhhh!"

Ziva smirked. Tony opened his mouth to probably say a sexual remark to Ziva; but at that moment, McGee's eyes snapped open and covered his mouth with his hand. Tony and Ziva spun around in their seats as soon as McGee made gagging noises, and saw that Abby (who was sitting next to him) quickly grabbed a puke bag from the seat in front of her. She handed it to him, and he frantically took it. McGee opened the bag just in time before emptying the contents of his stomach into the bag. Abby patted his back sympathetically.

McGee groaned and fell back to sleep. Five minutes later, he awoke again and puked. Ziva sighed, and rested her head against the wall of the plane. She peered at the monitor on the TV screen that showed their progress, and sighed.

"Only six more hours to go." She groaned.
She suddenly felt weight on her shoulder, and realized that Tony had fallen asleep; resting the side of his head on Ziva's shoulder. Ziva patted his cheek and rested her head on his. A few minutes later, Ziva fell asleep.


The plane had finally landed in Barcelona, Spain. Jenny and Gibbs watched movies the whole time, and McGee was asleep for the majority of the plane ride. Tony and Abby only fell asleep for a few hours, but Ziva was still fast asleep.

Tony unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up. He grabbed his and Ziva's large carry-on bags from the overhead compartment. He dumped the bags on his seat, and reached over to shake Ziva awake.

"Ziva. Wake up. We've landed". He said.

Ziva only groaned and swatted his hand away. Her eyes fluttered open and she groggily looked around.

"We've landed". He repeated.

Ziva smiled sleepily, and closed her eyes again.

No, Ziva. No. You have to stay awake". Tony said, shaking her shoulder again. "Once we get out of the plane, I'll carry you". He bribed.

Ziva opened her eyes again, and nodded sleeply. She unbuckled her seatbelt, and stumbled out into the aisle.

Tony guided a half-asleep Ziva down the aisle, and down the steps of plane. Once outside, Tony dropped their bags and picked her up, bridal style. Ziva sighed contently and curled up in Tony's arms. She rested her head on his chest, and fell asleep.

Tony waited until the rest of his family and McGee joined him. "Ziva's asleep". He mouthed to them. Gibbs nodded, and picked up Tony's and Ziva's carry-on bags.

"Let's go, guys". Gibbs said quietly because of the sleeping Ziva. "We have to take the bus to get to our beach house".

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