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"Hey if I can't have a beard neither can you." Jensen points to me.
"I hate shaving. If I could just remove hair from my face forever that'd be great." I say sliding my shoes on. "West cmon!"
"You wouldn't have eyebrows or your signature  scruff." Jensen grins from the couch.
"True." I walk over and lean down. "Meet me over at the coffee shop on Littleton and Xaria?"
"Yeah." He pecks his lips to mine. "I'm serious misha, shave the beard."
"Ok!" I roll my eyes. West runs out with his backpack. "Go say bye to Jen." He runs over and hugs him.
"Bye!" Jensen shouts as we leave.
"So meet anyone knew other then tom?"
"No." He shrugs.
"Well I'll give you 10 dollars if you meet a new friend."
"Yeah" I laugh. "Will you?" I ask turning into the busy highway.
"Fuck yeah I will!"
"West!!" I shout. "Where did you learn that!?"
"I heard you and Jensen whispering fuck one night." I instantly blush remembering the night.
"Don't say it again. It's a bad word."
"Why do you get to use it?"
"Because I'm not 7 for gods sake."
"That's stupid."
"West!" I raise my eyebrow.
"Ok." I pull into the parking lot.
"Have a good day at school." I lean over and kiss his cheek.
"Bye." He jumps out.
"Bye!" I wave. I turn the radio on and start driving to the coffee shop.
"What is up with homophobic people?!" The radio guy says. I'm pretty sure his name is nick.
"Call in and tell me why you're homophobic or why you think homophobics need to leave." A song comes on that I remember Seeing Jensen sing on stage on day at a con. Hands down favorite song. Mainly because I love hearing Jensens voice. Oh god he can sing like an angel. I park on the street and see Jensen just pulling up. I get out and walk over to his car.
"Hey hot stuff." I wiggle my eyebrows. "Lookin for a fun time?"
"You look a lot like my boyfriend." He grins jumping out.
"I bet I can do things your boyfriend can't."
"We'll test you out tonight." He wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer.
"Ooh that reminds me yeah no more sex with west in the house."
"He said the f word." I pull upon the coffee shop door.
"Yeah and then when asked where he heard it from he replied with you and Jensen where whispering it one night one night as in two days ago."
"Mm yes the great jet lagged night."
"Yeah." I chuckle. "One large peppermint tea." I say to the lady.
"A large black coffee." Jensen says pulling his wallet out. "Do you want something to eat?"
"Uhm... Yeah actually can I get your bacon breakfast sandwich?"
"Make that two actually."
"Ok." The lady says. "9.42." She takes Jensens card and slides it. We walk to the back of the shop once she gives us our card and food.
"Have I told you I love you yet today?" Jensen asks as I bite into my sandwich.
"I don't know. Say it just incase."
"I love you." Jensen grins. I nod and swallow hard trying to get my food out of my mouth so I can flirt but I fail. His phone starts ringing before I can say anything else.

Welcome to
(Pt 3)
Thanks for coming back. The parts will hopefully be longer then this.

Love pt3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ